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Organization Name Acronym Org. Type City County Website

1000 Grandmothers Bay Area Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The 1000 Grandmothers are marching, writing, speaking out and sometimes doing direct actions.
Profile:  We are elder women working to address the climate crisis. We also have auxiliary members who are friends and relations, young and old. We are particularly focused on climate justice. And we act in support of the rights of Native Americans and other frontline communities. Our Principles celebrate collective nonviolent action, community building and kindness.

350 Bay Area 350BA Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  We are building a grassroots climate movement in the Bay Area & beyond to eliminate carbon pollution and press for socially equitable solutions and a just transition to clean energy.
Profile:  San Francisco Bay Area residents building a grassroots movement for deep CO2 emission reductions. We are hundreds of volunteers, supported by a small but mighty staff, working since 2012 to: - Raise awareness & urgency – the climate crisis is underway and we have time – but not a lot - Mobilize to demand action at the speed & scale required to protect us all from the worst impacts - Support the voices of young people calling for a livable planet - Dig into policy options to get real emissions reductions actions passed

350 Contra Costa Nonprofit Walnut Creek Contra Costa Website
Mission:  We envision a world where all people equitably share clean air, water and soil in a healthy, sustainable, and post-carbon future.
Profile:  350 Contra Costa is a grassroots climate crisis group taking action in our home community. We are a welcoming front door for all people concerned about a healthy, safe and equitable environment. We provide education on the climate crisis and encourage participation in local campaigns and organizations.

350 East Bay Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  As part of 350 Bay Area, we work to engage the East Bay to reduce fossil fuels, eliminate GHG emissions & promote clean energy with a foundation in social justice, for those in Alameda & Contra Costa counties and beyond.
Profile:  350 East Bay works in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties with the goal of reducing CO2 (carbon dioxide) and CH4 (methane) gas emissions. We accomplish this through many projects run and directed by local volunteers and activists seeking to grow climate action in the East Bay. While other chapters of 350 Bay Area, such as San Francisco, Marin, Sonoma County, and Silicon Valley have been in operation since early 2013, the East Bay has never had its own chapter until now. Formed in early 2014, 350 East Bay has done work in divestment, banning fracking, local clean energy and sustainability, and the "Dump the Pump" campaign. If you live in the East Bay and want to make a change in the way our cities are run with regards to the environment, 350 East Bay can help you achieve your goals.

350 Marin Nonprofit San Rafael Marin Website
Mission:  350 Marin is made up of grassroots activists who are deeply concerned about climate breakdown. Regionally, we’re affiliated with 350 Bay Area, which is working to achieve a significant decrease in all heat-trapping gases both locally and statewide. Globally, we’re part of the 350 movement that’s continuing to grow in 188 countries around the world. We are committed to holding our leaders and communities accountable to the realities of science and the principles of social justice.
Profile:  To end our dependence on fossil fuel, 350Marin: - Participates in climate breakdown campaigns with regional, state, national and international coalitions. - Uses multiple techniques of non-violent resistance and civil disobedience pioneered by Gandhi and Martin Luther King. - Supports and encourages activism through artistic expression. - Always respects, learns from, and supports each other. - We also network with other non-profit, environmental and social justice organizations in Marin working for positive change.

350 Petaluma Nonprofit Petaluma Sonoma Website
Mission:  Our mission is to provide a space for citizens to come together, plug-in to their passions, take action, and to collaborate with like-minded local organizations to help deliver positive ecological outcomes for Petaluma and Sonoma County.
Profile:  350 Petaluma is an all-volunteer, grassroots group inspired by, an international climate action organization. With a deep love for people, the planet, and Petaluma, we passionately address the climate crisis by collaborating with our local community, city government, and regional organizations. We organize to decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, enhance carbon sequestration, and reduce wasteful consumerism while simultaneously promoting community led projects to help build a regenerative future that is socially just and economically fair.

350 San Francisco 350SF Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  350 San Francisco is a San Francisco nonprofit working for a just transition from fossil fuels to clean energy to reduce the climate emergency.
Profile:  350 San Francisco works on a variety of climate issues. Our activities include: - Clean Energy and CleanPowerSF - SF Divest - Fossil Fuel Resistance - 350 SF Legislative Campaign - Transportation - Outreach - and more!

350 Silicon Valley 350SV Nonprofit Los Altos Santa Clara Website
Mission:  Build a strong grassroots effort in the Silicon Valley region focused on taking action on climate change and having an impact on the local, state, national and global level. We work in conjunction with Build a movement that is inclusive, accessible, welcoming and empowering to all who want to join in and take action on climate change. Coordinate and connect with other groups with a common purpose in the region.
Profile:  350 Silicon Valley is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to fighting for climate justice. We mobilize residents of Santa Clara and San Mateo counties for a speedy and just transition away from fossil fuels, and toward lower greenhouse gas emissions. Created in 2013 in informal affiliation with the international organization, we work on many of the same major issues (divestment, Green New Deal, etc.) though we respond to our unique local and statewide conditions. As periodically sends out communications to all local members, it should be noted that both their policy positions and timing are independent of ours.

350 Sonoma Nonprofit Santa Rosa Sonoma Website
Mission:  We seek to create a county-wide sense united purpose to speed us away from fossil fuels and accelerate our collective path to a zero carbon footprint and a 100% clean energy future.
Profile:  Founded in 2012 by Sonoma County residents, 350 Sonoma engages our community in the work of, the worldwide organization founded by Bill McKibben, and other local actions to demand action to restore atmospheric CO2 to safe levels.

AC Transit HyRoad Program Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  By providing public transit to over 227,000 riders every day, we are keeping tens of thousands of cars off the roads—and keeping their pollution out of the air. By adopting and developing the latest technologies, we are not only reducing our own emissions, we are also serving as a model transit agency for the entire country.
Profile:  Fuel cell buses are clean, quiet, electrically propelled vehicles that emit only water vapor from the tailpipe. Since 2000, AC Transit has built one of the most comprehensive hydrogen fuel cell demonstration programs in the United States, featuring: - A growing fleet of zero-emission hybrid-electric, hydrogen fuel cell buses - On-site hydrogen production and fueling - On-site fleet maintenance - Ongoing, outside evaluation - Public education and safety training

Acterra Nonprofit Palo Alto Santa Clara Website
Mission:  Our mission is to bring people together to create local solutions for a healthy planet.
Profile:  Acterra is a San Francisco Bay Area 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Palo Alto that brings people together to create local solutions for a healthy planet. We focus on what you can do locally to address current environmental problems. In the face of daunting environmental challenges, our science-based approach instills hope while building community. Acterra's staff provides environmental education in the areas of energy and climate change, corporate sustainability, and advocacy to build an informed and empowered citizenry. Our programs include the Business Environmental Awards, the Silicon Valley Green Team Network, the Karl Knapp GoEV Program, and a Public Lecture Series. Our programs engage people and companies in the Bay Area, with a focus on Santa Clara and San Mateo counties.

Air Watch Bay Area AWBA Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The Air Watch Bay Area (AWBA) website and app are digital tools that show and let you report air pollution in the San Francisco Bay Area. Air Watch Bay Area focuses on community air quality near the region’s five oil refineries.
Profile:  Air Watch Bay Area uses standards from government agencies, especially the US National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry (ATSDR), and the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). For each chemical we measure, we use the lowest amount that is considered dangerous.

Alameda City Sustainability Group ACSG Nonprofit Alameda Alameda Website
Mission:  A healthy environment: our health is linked to it, our economy depends on it, and it makes Alameda County a beautiful place to live. When the County delivers public services and shapes land-use policies, we affect local and global ecosystems. By integrating sustainable strategies into service delivery, County policies, and regional partnerships, Alameda County will prioritize the preservation and restoration of our ecosystems.
Profile:  Alameda County strives to have a small impact on the environment and a huge impact on the quality of life for its citizens. Aims are to preserve the community - and the world - for future generations.

Alameda County - Sustainability AC County Government Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  Alameda County strives to have a small impact on the environment and a huge impact on the quality of life for its citizens.

Alameda County Interfaith Climate Action Network ACICAN Religious/Faith-based Org. Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  To encourages congregation members to attend hearings, speak to legislators, and raise the moral voice of faith communities in state, regional and local campaigns
Profile:  Alameda County Interfaith Climate Action Network is one of five working groups under the auspices of CA Interfaith Power and Light, and is also closely affiliated with 350 Bay Area. Frances Aubrey, a co-founder of 350 Bay Area, is currently the convener of the group, and is looking for a co-convener to help her reach out to the congregations in ...

Alameda County Labor Council ACLC Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  The mission of the Alameda Labor Council, AFL-CIO is to improve the lives of working families by bringing economic and social justice to our workplace and communities
Profile:  To accomplish our mission, we work to: - Build a broad movement of workers by helping workers join and form unions. - Create sound policies to strengthen the voice of working families. - Improve our communities, state, and nation. - Support workers as we bargain with employers to improve our living and working conditions.

Albany - Sustainability Division ACC City Government Albany Alameda Website
Mission:  The Sustainability Division strives to protect this critical habitat from the effects of climate change, while also ensuring social equity, a resilient community, and a thriving local economy. adaptation planning and implementation; hazard mitigation and disaster resilience; resource reduction, recycling, and solid waste management; creek and open space planning, and more.
Profile:  The Sustainability Division manages the City’s urban and natural environment, including climate action and adaptation planning and implementation; hazard mitigation and disaster resilience; resource reduction, recycling, and solid waste management; creek and open space planning, and more.

Albany City Council - Climate Action Committee ACC - CAC City Government Albany Alameda Website
Mission:  To provide expert knowledge on sustainability and climate change through to reduce greenhouse gases
Profile:  Committee Purpose The Climate Action Committee shall serve as a technical advisory committee regarding matters related to climate action and to advise council on matters related to reducing greenhouse gasses; and adapting to climate change. Committee Composition The Committee is composed of seven members, each one is appointed by Council members.

Albany Climate Action Coalition ACAC Nonprofit Albany Alameda Website
Mission:  Albany Climate Action Coalition's mission is to educate the public and empower them to take action that will impact our carbon neutral goals. Through grassroots outreach and networking, our goal is that our 19,000 citizens will adopt renewable energy, clean transportation, and high efficiency standards at home and throughout our community
Profile:  Albany Climate Action Coalition is a group of engaged Albany, California citizens who are working towards an exciting carbon neutral future for our city. But it starts with activating our network: informing our neighbors, motivating local change, and energizing our sustainable community!

All Power Labs APL Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  We focus on that which can be effectively built and deployed, immediately and in volume, with broad impact and relevance.
Profile:  ALL Power Labs is the new global leader in small-scale gasification. We make biomass fueled power generation systems that are ready for everyday work. ALL Power Labs designs, engineers, and manufactures biomass gasification energy platforms. We create physical tools and information resources for people to be able to make and use renewable energy

Alliance for Climate Education: San Francisco Bay Area ACE Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  ACE has a mission to educate and activate high school students across the country to create lasting climate solutions. Since 2008, ACE has educated over 2 million high school students nationwide, and empowered over 400,000 youth to take action in their personal lives, in their schools and as leaders in the broader community
Profile:  The Alliance for Climate Education (ACE) exists to confront climate change as the most urgent crisis of our time, threatening the health of communities and ecosystems across the globe. ACE's mission is to educate young people on the science of climate change and empower them to take action.

Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment - Contra Costa ACCE - CC Nonprofit Richmond Contra Costa Website
Profile:  ACCE is a multi-racial, democratic, non-profit community organization that builds power to fight and stand for economic, racial and social justice. We take seriously our commitment to ground-up organizing to build a strong people’s movement that can create transformative community change.

Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment - Oakland ACCE - O Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  ACCE is a multi-racial, democratic, non-profit community organization that builds power to fight and stand for economic, racial and social justice. We take seriously our commitment to ground-up organizing to build a strong people’s movement that can create transformative community change.

American Indian Child Resource Center AICRC Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  To preserve and promote the cultural integrity of American Indian youth and their families.
Profile:  The American Indian Child Resource Center is a non-profit social services and educational community-based organization serving American Indian community members from across the greater Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area and surrounding counties.

Apple - Sustainability Business/Corporation Cupertino San Mateo Website
Mission:  Apple is carbon neutral. And by 2030, all of our products will be too. We're designing the world's most innovative products from recycled materials. Soon we'll make them all with clean energy and no carbon footprint. Some say it’s impossible. At Apple, we think different.

Arcadis Consulting AC Business/Corporation San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Through our passion, our people and the work we do with our clients, we have opportunities to shape the future of our world, every day. Guided by five core values, combined with five keystone behaviors, we are building a unique, One Arcadis culture.
Profile:  Arcadis is the leading global Design & Consultancy firm for natural and built assets. Applying our deep market sector insights and collective design, consultancy, engineering, project and management services we work in partnership with our clients to deliver exceptional and sustainable outcomes throughout the lifecycle of their natural and built assets.

As You Sow AYS Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Our mission is to promote environmental and social corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy, coalition building, and innovative legal strategies.
Profile:  As You Sow is the nation’s non-profit leader in shareholder advocacy. Founded in 1992, we harness shareholder power to create lasting change that benefits people, planet, and profit.

Asian Pacific Environmental Network APEN Network / Association / Coalition Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  All people have a right to a clean and healthy environment in which their communities can live, work, learn, play and thrive. Towards this vision, APEN brings together a collective voice to develop an alternative agenda for environmental, social and economic justice. Through building an organized movement, we strive to bring fundamental changes to economic and social institutions that will prioritize public good over profits and promote the right of every person to a decent, safe, affordable quality of life, and the right to participate in decisions affecting our lives. APEN holds this vision of environmental justice for all people. Our work focuses on Asian immigrant and refugee communities.
Profile:  APEN is leading a transition away from an extractive economy based on profit and pollution and toward local, healthy, and life-sustaining economies that benefit everyone. We’re building community-owned renewable energy resources to power our neighborhoods, protecting affordable housing so that our historic cultural communities can stay together, creating a local economy of cooperatives owned and governed by community members, and taking back control of our democracy.

Association of Bay Area Governments - Sustainability ABAG Commission/Authority San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Our mission is to strengthen cooperation and collaboration across local governments to build healthier, stronger communities.
Profile:  ABAG helps local governments absorb growth and adapt to change while addressing sustainability, resilience and equity issues.

Audubon California AC Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Audubon's mission is to restore and conserve natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity.
Profile:  Audubon California was established in 1996 as a field program of the National Audubon Society, overseeing the organization's properties and leading conservation efforts. But our work in California goes back to the earliest days of the national organization, even before its formal founding. Audubon's legacy of conservation and activism in the Golden State establishes it as a force for conservation along the Pacific Flyway.

Bay Area Air Quality Management District - Climate Protection BAAQMD Commission/Authority San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The Air District has made steady progress over the past few decades in improving air quality in the Bay Area. This cleaner air has meant better health for Bay Area residents. Now, climate change is placing these clean air gains at risk. As a result, climate protection has become an important priority of the Air District.
Profile:  The earth is getting hotter. Scientists agree that temperatures are rising, and that this is causing changes to our climate and weather. In the Bay Area, we experience these changes in warmer average temperatures, diminished rainfall, and rising sea levels. Global warming, and the changes to climate and weather that it brings, is mainly caused by human activities that produce greenhouse gases, or GHGs, like burning fossil fuels in our cars, buildings, and industries.

Bay Area Climate Collaborative BACC Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website
Mission:  The Bay Area Climate Collaborative is helping the region fulfill its vision of a more prosperous, healthy and vibrant community based on clean energy and action on climate. The Bay Area Climate Collaborative advances this vision through fostering strategic alignment, market acceleration initiatives, and best-practices education.
Profile:  Bay Area Climate Collaborative has merged with Prospect Silicon Valley (ProspectSV). ProspectSV provides commercialization assistance to emerging technology companies, drawing together government, business and institutional leadership to catalyze the adoption of new technologies in the Bay Area.

Bay Area Council - Water & Climate Resilience BAC Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The Bay Area Council is a business association in San Francisco, founded in 1945, and dedicated to economic development in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Profile:  The Bay Area Council Water & Climate Resilience Committees are working to add an additional one million acre-feet to the Bay Area’s water supply, improve the efficiency of current water supplies, and launch a statewide movement to support climate adaptation projects.

Bay Area Puma Project BAPP Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website
Mission:  BAPP's primary goal is to increase knowledge, understanding and awareness about Bay Area puma populations, in order to promote better co-existence and less conflict between humans and pumas ...
Profile:  The Bay Area Puma Project (BAPP) is the first large scale research, education and conservation program for pumas in and around the San Francisco Bay Area.

Bay Area Rapid Transit District - Sustainability BART Special District/Government Oakland Alameda Website

Bay Area Regional Collaborative BARC Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The Bay Area Regional Collaborative, or BARC, works to collaborate and problem-solve for 21st century challenges that impact the Bay Area, including climate change and social and economic injustice.
Profile:  BARC is comprised of four regional government agencies and three non-voting members: - Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) - Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) - Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) - Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Non-voting Members - Caltrans District 4 - San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control - Board State Coastal Conservancy

Bay Area Regional Energy Network BayREN Special District/Government San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  BayREN assists local governments to evaluate and improve compliance with energy code and to develop options for accelerating energy efficiency. This includes providing no-cost training to building departments, funding demonstration projects, hosting quarterly regional innovation forums, and assisting Bay Area communities in developing reach codes.
Profile:  The Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) is a collaboration of the nine counties that make up the San Francisco Bay Area. Led by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), BayREN provides regional-scale energy efficiency programs, services, and resources.

Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative BARHII Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  To transform public health practice for the purpose of eliminating health inequities using a broad spectrum of approaches that create healthy communities and economic prosperity for all.
Profile:  The Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative (BARHII) is a coalition of the San Francisco Bay Area's eleven public health departments committed to advancing health equity. The regional collaboration includes public health directors, health officers, senior managers and staff from Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano and Sonoma ...

Bay Conservation and Development Commission BCDC Commission/Authority San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) protects and enhances San Francisco Bay and encourages the Bay's responsible and productive use for this and future generations.
Profile:  The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission is a California State commission dedicated to the protection, enhancement and responsible use of the San Francisco Bay.

Bay Planning Coalition BPC Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Working through a broad coalition to provide expert advocacy and facilitation to advance a strong industrial economy that supports a sustainable environment within San Francisco Bay and its watershed. BPC is the sole organization around the Bay that is focused specifically on its economic interests and vitality. For there to be quality of life for all, the economy must be thriving, offering employment opportunities to all members in the community. BPC views the maritime industry, its movement of goods and trade as central to business continuity and economic vitality of the Region.
Profile:  Bay Planning Coalition (BPC) is a broad coalition providing expert advocacy and facilitation to advance a strong economy that supports a sustainable environment within the San Francisco Bay and its watershed. Founded in 1983, the Bay Planning Coalition is a non-profit, membership-based organization representing a broad spectrum of public and ...

Bay Resistance BR Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  to advance racial, economic, climate, and gender justice by activating individuals and families to build a just world for all of us. Some of us are targeted by Trump and his hateful policies. Many of us are immigrant, Muslim, South Asian, Black, Jewish, women, workers, queer, seniors & people with disabilities.
Profile:  Bay Resistance is a powerful new organization preparing to defend our communities, our movements, and our planet. The mission of Bay Resistance is to advance racial, economic, climate, and gender justice by activating individuals and families to build a just world for all of us. Some of us are targeted by Trump and his hateful policies. Many of us are immigrant, Muslim, South Asian, Black ...

Bay Rising BR(1) Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  Bay Rising (a fiscally sponsored project of MSC) is an emerging, regional civic engagement collaboration between Oakland Rising, San Francisco Rising, and Silicon Valley Rising. Each of the partners in this project are composed of grassroots social justice organizations that have a long-term, shared vision for building progressive political power in the San Francisco Bay Area (Oakland Rising, San Francisco Rising and Working Partnerships USA). We are committed to building a powerful progressive electorate rooted in low-income, immigrant and communities of color, exercising and expanding our political influence to advance a set of progressive values and policies, aligning our organizations and coordinating with other progressive forces to realize and sustain a forward-thinking vision.

Bay Rising Action Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  We build the power of Bay Area communities of color by working with grassroots organizations & leaders with strong local roots.

Bayview Hunters Point Community Advocates BVHP Advocates Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The Advocates seek to help keep Black people and immigrants in our historic neighborhood and find strategies and actions to slow and reverse the rapid displacement of diverse populations from all of San Francisco, along with the displacement of the working class of all ethnicities from the City. Our environmental advocacy is tightly woven with our workforce and economic development interests, in the hopes of keeping a diverse Bayview Hunters Point.
Profile:  Bayview Hunters Point Community Advocates, established in 1994, is a grassroots organization founded and led by long-term members of the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood in San Francisco. Our programs combine community organizing with education, advocacy, and direct services. We take an active role in mobilizing the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood on issues of environmental and economic justice.

Benicia Good Neighbors Nonprofit Benicia Solano Website

Benicians for a Safe and Healthy Community BSHC Nonprofit Benicia Solano Website

Berkeley - Office of Energy & Sustainable Development City Government Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  Our mission is to provide quality service to our diverse community; promote an accessible, safe, healthy, environmentally sound and culturally rich city; initiate innovative solutions; embrace respectful democratic participation; respond quickly and effectively to neighborhood and commercial concerns, and do so in a fiscally sound manner.
Profile:  Office of Energy & Sustainable Development (OESD) leads the City’s sustainability efforts through the Climate Action Plan by helping Berkeley residents, businesses, and city government create a healthy and equitable urban community.

Berkeley Carbon Trading Project Academic: K-12 School Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  The Berkeley Carbon Trading Project’s approach is multifaceted and includes: - Assessing the outcomes of California’s domestic offset protocols - Providing input into the proposed expansion of California’s offset program, including a jurisdictional tropical forest offset program - Ensuring that our research results inform policy enactment and implementation in California, and new offset programs being developed by other states and internationally
Profile:  The Berkeley Carbon Trading Project, led by Barbara Haya and housed at the Center for Environmental Public Policy (CEPP), combines interdisciplinary research with policy outreach focused on the effectiveness of carbon trading programs. The project is currently focused on California’s carbon offset program, which is expected to contribute substantially to how the state will achieve its emissions targets and to offer a potential model for other new offset programs around the world.

Berkeley Climate Action Coaltion BCAC Network / Association / Coalition Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  Inspiring and building a sustainable, healthy, and just future for the East Bay, California, and beyond.
Profile:  The Berkeley Climate Action Coalition (BCAC) is a strong and growing network of local organizations and community members joining together to help implement the City of Berkeley’s ambitious, forty-year Climate Action Plan. We include residents, non-profits, the City of Berkeley, neighborhood groups, faith based organizations, schools, businesses, UC Berkeley, and others! The BCAC initiates projects that address climate change on a wide variety of issues — energy, water, food, waste, the built environment, and transit. We are working toward a future that includes clean air and water, energy efficient housing, and food, energy and transportation that is local, affordable, accessible and safe.

Berkeley Energy & Resources Collaborative BERC Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  BERC’s mission is to connect, educate, and engage its members in order to foster innovation and action.
Profile:  BERC connects, educates and motivates students, alumni, faculty and industry professionals to address the world's energy and resource challenges.We host conferences and events covering key topics within energy and resources, including the annual Energy Summit, Resources Symposium, monthly BERCshops and regular social gatherings. We provide our members with opportunities to engage with cutting-edge research and current industry applications through programs such as the Innovation Expo and Berkeley Innovative Solutions consulting projects, to name just a few.

Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists BFUU Religious/Faith-based Org. Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  Living in a time of great planetary challenge, we, the members and friends of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, joyously claim our home in the heart of the city of Berkeley. Together we affirm and commit to a radical and evolving religious movement which respects the integrity of heart, mind and body, the value of non-oppressive pluralistic community, and the work of direct social action. To build and sustain our community we freely join in the spirit of embracing and transformative love and draw from all sources of human creativity and the Earth's wisdom.
Profile:  BFUU is a dynamic Unitarian Universalist congregation that plays an important role as a progressive spiritual community in the heart of Berkeley. The Fellowship enriches the life of the surrounding community as a much-used and much-loved venue for social justice and cultural programs.

Berkeley Food Institute BFI Academic: K-12 School Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  The Berkeley Food Institute strives to transform food systems to expand access to healthy, affordable food and promote sustainable and equitable food production. We empower new leaders with capacities to cultivate diverse, just, resilient, and healthy food systems.
Profile:  Berkeley Food Institute is a research and policy institute dedicated to studying and galvanizing the transition to more resilient and just food systems.

Berkeley Neighbors for Housing and Climate Action BNHCA Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  Our common destiny is our shared opportunity. We believe that by creating transit-rich, diverse, and walkable neighborhoods, we can be a regional leader in tackling climate change while becoming a more affordable and equitable city for ourselves and future generations.
Profile:  We are a group of Berkeley neighbors who want a better city for everyone.

Berkeley Society of Friends Religious/Faith-based Org. Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  We gather in silence to wait upon God. The Meeting for Worship is unprogrammed and without prearrangement. Those who minister by a spoken message do not come prepared to speak. As we listen, and as we break the silence, we seek to be guided by the Inner Light. Vocal ministry, responsive to the spiritual needs of the Meeting, deepens, rather than interrupts, the silent worship. Messages are brief and each one is followed by a period of silence. In Worship, we are refreshed in the life of the Spirit and, in that Spirit, we strengthen one another. In speech or in silence, each person contributes to the Meeting.
Profile:  Berkeley Society of Friends is an Open and Affirming unprogrammed Quaker Meeting. Everyone is welcome.

Bike East Bay Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  Bike East Bay promotes healthy, sustainable communities by making bicycling safe, fun and accessible.
Profile:  Bike East Bay (formerly the East Bay Bicycle Coalition) works for safe, convenient and enjoyable bicycling for all people in the East Bay.

Black Permaculture Network BPN Network / Association / Coalition Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  BPN is a network of Afro-indigenous people who have come together through the practices of permaculture, agroecology, natural living and care of the earth. We recognize and honor the ancestral and historical knowledge that each of these land care practices embrace and strive to broaden inter-cultural dialogue around natural earth care; the love of people, plants and animals.

What we do:

- Create space for dialogue on social media

- Give access to funding and resources

- Serve as an informational hub for trainings, events and other culturally relevant education and opportunities

- Promote the work of Afro-indigenous practitioners to the wider community

Our Facebook site is a protected space for people of color to discuss all aspects of permaculture--particularly the challenges we face and have overcome in our work as people of color trying to build a better world--and the LEADERSHIP we have shown in the permaculture movement. This is not a general gardening/farming group. Please keep posts focused on the work that you, or other leaders of color are doing to protect our health, our planet, and our people's rights.

BluePoint Planning Business/Corporation Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  BluePoint assists public agencies, local governments, organizations, and non-profits to better achieve their vision and mission through comprehensive strategic and policy planning services grounded in financial feasibility and market realities. We specialize in complex, multi-stakeholder planning processes, providing facilitative leadership to reach our clients' goals. BluePoint Planning was founded by Mindy Craig in 2011. BluePoint Planning is based in Oakland, California and is a certified California small, women-owned business.

Breakthrough Communities Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  Promoting Sustainability and Justice in Metropolitan Regions
Profile:  In the face of global crisis and in response to California’s leadership in the field of global warming, climate justice advocates and organizations in California are writing a new chapter in the struggle for social justice. We are living at a critical moment in planetary evolution. After four hundred generations, the period of the Earth’s stable climate is ending. The evidence of this change is now widely documented: melting polar ice caps, sea level rise, extreme weather events and widespread flooding and drought.

Breakthrough Institute Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  Breakthrough’s vision is of a world that is good for both people and nature. We believe that human prosperity and an ecologically vibrant planet are possible at the same time. Societies are already experiencing peak use of many natural resources; some previously destroyed forests are returning as we use less land to farm more food; our energy sources are becoming denser and cleaner; and pollution — including carbon emissions — is falling in most post-industrial nations. We believe that ecological vibrancy results from human prosperity, not the other way around. Meeting people’s material needs is both an ethical imperative and a pre-condition for societal concern about nature. Technological innovation, particularly in energy and agriculture, can enable us to both meet human needs and reduce our reliance on natural resources. And clean energy technologies are key to creating a high-energy planet without overheating the climate. Humanity has made extraordinary progress over the past several centuries. While modernization has had both positive and negative impacts, and the benefits of development have not been equally distributed nor enjoyed by everyone, on the whole human beings live longer, freer, healthier, more prosperous, and more secure lives than our ancestors did. There is no guarantee that these trends will continue. But by embracing technology and accelerating modernization for all people, we believe humanity and nature can both thrive for centuries to come.
Profile:  The Breakthrough Institute is a global research center that identifies and promotes technological solutions to environmental and human development challenges.

Breathe California of the Bay Area, Golden Gate, and Central Coast Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website
Mission:  Through grassroots education, advocacy and services, Breathe California fights lung disease, advocates for clean air and advances public health. Description

At Breathe California, we believe that breathing should not be a struggle or a risk. Founded in 1908, today our local non-profit offers a wide array of local services to fight lung disease, promote clean air and advance public health.

Brightline Defense Project Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  We promote sustainability and opportunity in under-served communities in the Bay Area through policy advocacy and partnerships.
Profile:  Brightline is a policy advocacy non-profit that works to empower communities and create sustainable environments. We work to promote sustainable policies that allow low-income residents to remain and work in developing urban communities, focusing on local hiring policies and access to environmental benefits such as solar and energy efficiency. Our team of community-oriented lawyers connects communities most in need to critical policymaking levers at the local and state level, which can be then modeled nationwide.

Buckminster Fuller Institute Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  R. Buckminster Fuller was a 20th century inventor and visionary who did not limit himself to one field but worked as a 'comprehensive anticipatory design scientist' to solve global problems. Fuller's ideas and work continue to influence new generations of designers, architects, scientists and artists working to create a sustainable planet. BFI is committed to continued research into the practice and fundamental principles of comprehensive anticipatory design science and its relevance to contemporary global issues and design practice. This section offers a wide range of writings, presentations, and surveys from an array of international scholars pertaining to Design Science.

Build It Green BIG Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  BUILD IT GREEN's mission is to create a world of healthy and sustainable homes for all ... Green building news, resources, and trainings for professionals and ...
Profile:  Build It Green (BIG) is a nonprofit organization comprised of thought leaders and building industry veterans who share a vision for better buildings and a diligence for getting results. Our pioneering work is transforming how homes are built and renovated in California and beyond. We are driven by the recognition that housing is foundational to our health and safety—and to our clean energy future. We are passionate about bringing innovation to market, and inspired to support consumers, professionals, private companies, and public agencies. What We Focus On To achieve the greatest impact, we focus on three goals: 1 -Driving deep reductions in carbon emissions by connecting more homes to clean power and advanced energy technologies 2 - Creating a real estate market that recognizes the value of these homes 3 - Ensuring that these benefits are accessible and affordable to all communities, including low-income communities

Building & Construction Trades Concil of Alameda County Union Oakland Alameda Website

Building Decarbonization Coalition Nonprofit Sacramento Sacramento Website
Profile:  The Building Decarbonization Coalition unites building industry stakeholders with energy providers, environmental organizations and local governments to power California's homes and

Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow Center BEST Center Academic: K-12 School Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  To prepare technicians to manage building systems and energy use, the BEST Center will - spur a national forum on the role of technicians in energy efficiency - advocate for advanced technical education and high- performance building operations - facilitate the dissemination and adoption of exceptional curricula and technical programs in sustainable building performance
Profile:  The Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) Center supports publicly-funded 2- and 4-year colleges with programs in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R), controls, building automation, and energy/facilities management. Sponsored by Advanced Technological Education grants from the National Science Foundation, this national collaborative promotes state-of-the-art building technician education and dissemination of the latest research, technology, and industry collaborations in energy efficient buildings.

Building Efficiency for Sustainable Tomorrow BEST Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  To prepare technicians to manage building systems and energy use, the BEST Center will - spur a national forum on the role of technicians in energy efficiency - advocate for advanced technical education and high- performance building operations - facilitate the dissemination and adoption of exceptional curricula and technical programs in sustainable building performance
Profile:  The BEST Center addresses these critical needs by providing model curricula, professional development for instructors, career pathways for students & career-changers, and dissemination of research to advance building technician education. By leveraging resources from schools, non-profits, industry, and government, our goals are to - build and transform community colleges in the field of building systems technician education - engage industry stakeholders with community colleges by creating a network of industry advisors and research laboratories - strengthen the national STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) pipeline for educating building technicians and engineers

Building Industry Association of the Bay Area BIA Bay Area Nonprofit Walnut Creek Contra Costa Website
Mission:  We passionately advocate on behalf of more than 400 residential development industry professionals in the Bay Area who believe that providing adequate homes for all people at all income levels is essential to improving our quality of life.
Profile:  The Building Industry Association of the Bay Area is a non-profit membership association that advocates at the local, regional and state level in support of an adequate supply of quality homes for people of all income levels. BIA’s 400-plus members are home builders, trade contractors, suppliers and residential development industry professionals.

Business Climate Leaders Nonprofit San Mateo San Mateo Website

Business Council on Climate Change Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  We bring powerful but traditionally isolated organizations together to secure a vibrant future for our city and our planet. We organize our work according to standing Impact Areas ("how" we approach climate action) and flexible Focus Areas ("what" we focus on at any given time).
Profile:  The Business Council on Climate Change (BC3) is a San Francisco-based multi-sector partnership dedicated to incubating, scaling, and sharing world-leading solutions to address climate change. Impact Areas BC3's current Impact Areas include Purchasing and Aggregation; Program Sharing, Development, and Coordination; Policy; and Community and Professional Development. These Impact Areas reflect the kinds of value we offer to our membership. Focus Areas Addressing climate change demands flexibility. Each year, BC3's Board assesses member needs, new opportunities, and pressing challenges to select topical Focus Areas that guide BC3 strategy. In 2018, our Focus Areas are Employee Engagement and Climate Resilience and Adaptation.

Business for Social Responsibility BSR Business/Corporation San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Our mission is to work with business to create a just and sustainable world. We envision a world in which everyone can lead a prosperous and dignified life within the boundaries of the Earth’s natural resources.
Profile:  BSR™ is a global nonprofit organization that works with its network of more than 250 member companies and other partners to build a just and sustainable world. From its offices in Asia, Europe, and North America, BSR™ develops sustainable business strategies and solutions through consulting, research, and cross-sector collaboration. Learn more about BSR’s 25 years of leadership in sustainability.

Cal State East Bay - Office of Sustainability Academic: K-12 School Hayward Alameda Website
Profile:  “Sustainability is a core value at California State University, East Bay. As an institution of higher education we are in a unique position to educate the future leaders of the world, while also serving as a model to our surrounding community. It is our responsibility to integrate the concepts of sustainability into all aspects of our campus – from academics to engagement, throughout the curriculum, operations and campus plans, and within administrative policies. By doing this we will create real-world learning opportunities for our students and foster a culture of sustainability that will guide and influence them throughout their lives and strengthen our connection to the East Bay.”

California Academy of Sciences Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The California Academy of Sciences is a science museum and scientific and educational institution located in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park.

California Air Resources Board (CARB) Agency Sacramento Sacramento Website
Profile:  The California Air Resources Board supports the state's climate goals with investments in low-carbon transit and development that puts housing closer to work and transportation hubs.

California Clean Energy Fund CalCEF Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website

California Coastal Conservancy State Government Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  The Coastal Conservancy acts with others to preserve, protect and restore the resources of the California Coast. Our vision is of a beautiful, restored and accessible coastline.

California Conservation Corps CCC State Agency Sacramento Sacramento Website

California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife State Dept Sacramento Sacramento Website
Profile:  The Department of Fish and Wildlife manages California's diverse fish, wildlife, and plant resources, and the habitats upon which they depend, for their ecological values and for their use and enjoyment by the public.

California Dept. of Public Health State Dept Sacramento Sacramento Website
Profile:  By sustaining its commitment to support healthy individuals and families in healthful communities, CDPH recognizes the need to transform as public health advances and society evolves.

California Dept. of Transportation CalTrans State Government Sacramento Sacramento Website

California Energy Commission CEC State Commission/ Authority Sacramento Sacramento Website
Profile:  The California Energy Commission is leading the state to a 100 percent clean energy future. As the state's primary energy policy and planning agency, the Energy Commission is committed to reducing energy costs and environmental impacts of energy use while ensuring a safe, resilient, and reliable supply of energy.

California Environmental Justice Alliance CEJA Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  We are building a broad movement to organize our base on climate justice because we see that environmental justice communities need drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions and related pollutants that harm air quality and public health. We believe that California’s current regulatory system to address climate change, cap and trade, will not get us there. As our state develops long-term, large-scale policy solutions, we have a unique opportunity to address long-standing environmental justice issues as well as fight climate change.
Profile:  The California Environmental Justice Alliance is a statewide, community-led alliance that works to achieve environmental justice by advancing policy solutions. We unite the powerful local organizing of our members in the communities most impacted by environmental hazards – low-income communities and communities of color – to create comprehensive opportunities for change at a statewide level. We build the power of communities across California to create policies that will alleviate poverty and pollution. Together, we are growing the statewide movement for environmental health and social justice.

California Environmental Protection Agency CalEPA State Government Sacramento Sacramento Website
Mission:  Our mission is to restore, protect and enhance the environment, to ensure public health, environmental quality and economic vitality. We fulfill our mission by developing, implementing and enforcing environmental laws that regulate air, water and soil quality, pesticide use and waste recycling and reduction. Our departments are at the forefront of environmental science, using the most recent research to shape the state’s environmental laws.
Profile:  The California Environmental Protection Agency has led California in creating and implementing some of the most progressive environmental policies in America, from negotiating the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32), to launching the Green Chemistry Initiative. CalEPA has also established Environmental Justice programs, adopted a Tribal Policy, and expanded enforcement efforts. CalEPA was formally established on July 17, 1991 although its foundation was laid decades earlier through the hard work of multiple administrations.

California Foundation on the Environment and the Economy CFEE Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website

The California Foundation on the Environment and the Economy (CFEE) is an independent, nonprofit institution dedicated to educating public and private sector decision makers on, and developing creative solutions to, California's complex economic, environmental and social issues. Recognized as a highly effective public policy forum, the Foundation brings together senior executives from California's major corporations and statewide labor leaders, as well as leading advocates from environmental and consumer organizations to meet with legislators and regulatory officials in an atmosphere of non-adversarial cooperation. CFEE seeks full exploration of controversial issues in a manner that transcends adversarial relationships by encouraging the development of common interests and workable policies rather than institutionalized conflict.

California Governor's Office of Planning and Research CAOPR State Office Sacramento Sacramento Website

California Housing Partnership Corp State Government San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The California Housing Partnership creates and preserves affordable and sustainable homes for Californians with low incomes by providing expert financial and policy solutions to nonprofit and public partners. Since 1988, the Partnership’s on-the-ground technical assistance, applied research, and legislative leadership has leveraged more than billion in private and public financing to preserve and create more than 75,000 affordable homes.
Profile:  Created by the Legislature in 1988 as a private nonprofit organization with a public mission, the California Housing Partnership plays a unique role in California’s struggle to provide housing that is sustainable and affordable to working families, homeless, veterans, seniors and the disabled. The Partnership is a “do-and-think-tank” that uses the experience gained from helping hundreds of nonprofit and local government partners leverage billion to create 75,000 affordable homes over the past 30 years. We are the trusted advisor to these mission-driven organizations, helping them envision and execute multilayered plans for creating and preserving sustainable affordable rental housing. We are also the trusted advisor to many of the elected officials who pass laws to provide the necessary resources and the state and local government housing organizations that allocate these resources.

California Interfaith Power & Light Religious/Faith-based Org. Oakland Alameda Website

California Land Stewardship Institute CLSI Nonprofit Napa Napa Website
Mission:  The mission of the California Land Stewardship Institute is to assist public and private landowners in implementing land management practices and ecological restoration projects for the long-term benefit of the environment.
Profile:  The California Land Stewardship Institute (CLSI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to planning and implementing environmental stewardship, restoration and enhancement programs and projects including educational activities, scientific studies, promotion of beneficial stewardship practices and resource conservation activities on private and public lands and waterways. CLSI also operates the Fish Friendly Farming® (FFF) Environmental Certification program in Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino, and Solano counties. CLSI recognizes that many watershed problems affecting water quality and habitats are related to land management practices and environmental improvement requires changing these practices through long-term cooperation with landowners and managers. Capital improvement projects to restore habitats will not produce sustained benefits to the environment unless land management practices are also revised and project sites are managed over the long term. Services provided in: Mendocino County, California Napa County, California Solano County, California Sonoma County, California

California Landscape Conservation Cooperative CALLC Nonprofit Sacramento Sacramento Website
Profile:  The California Landscape Conservation Cooperative is a management-science partnership whose vision is that California supports diverse and thriving ecosystems through lasting cooperative conservation partnerships.

California Natural Resources Agency State Commission/ Authority Sacramento Sacramento Website

California Nurses Association CNA Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  CNA/NNOC is committed to providing relief for communities impacted by extreme weather events and environmental injustice both in the US and around the world. We are committed to supporting policy measures to protect, air, food, and water services for all people. We support the Paris Accord, the transition from fossil fuels to a clean energy sector. We will continue to work in our communities, nationally and internationally, to build a powerful movement for environmental and climate justice with the life-and-death urgency the this task requires.

California Office of Health Equity State Office Sacramento Sacramento Website
Profile:  The Office of Health Equity (OHE) was established, as authorized by Section 131019.5 of the California Health and Safety Code (PDF), to provide a key leadership role to reduce health and mental health disparities to vulnerable communities.. A priority of this groundbreaking office is building of cross-sectoral partnerships.

California Office of the Governor State Elected Sacramento Sacramento Website

California Public Utilities Commission CPUC State Government San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  CPUC : The California Public Utilities Commission regulates privately owned electric, natural gas, telecommunications, water, railroad, rail transit, and passenger transportation companies, in addition to authorizing video franchises. Our five Governor-appointed Commissioners, as well as our staff, are dedicated to ensuring that consumers have safe, reliable utility service at reasonable rates ...

California Solar and Storage Association CalSSA Nonprofit Sacramento Sacramento Website
Profile:  Building California's Solar & Storage Industry for Over 40 years.

California State Assembly, 16th District State Government San Ramon Contra Costa Website

California State Parks Foundation Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  California State Parks, State of California. In an effort to protect public health and the safety of visitors, volunteers and staff as the state responds to the continued threat of COVID-19 (coronavirus), California State Parks has cancelled all events until further notice.

California Student Sustainability Coalition CSSC Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  We're a diverse, college student-led nonprofit pressuring decision-makers in any sector to act on the climate crisis and equitable resiliency in California. Climate change will worsen asthma, the spread of disease carrying insects, and increase heat-related deaths. So join us! Anyone (not just students) in California can be a member. CSSC is motivated by the danger the fossil fuel industry and their leaders have imposed on our air, water, homes, and futures. This exploitation is on a historic level and has reached a global scale. Therefore, as students, alumnx, and community members, we exist to take bold action on and off higher education campuses to challenge fossil fuel dominance of our government and schools. We aim to push fossil fuels out of popular support and to address the harm this industry has caused.

California Trout Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  At California Trout, our goal is to restore vibrance and abundance to California's freshwater ecosystems, and to keep them that way for years to come. With the help of many local and national organizations, we've worked to improve the habitats of several fish species throughout California.

Calthorpe Analytics Business/Corporation Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  UrbanFootprint is a product of Calthorpe Analytics, a software and services company founded on 30 years of leadership in regional planning and analysis. Founded by leading urban planning and design professionals, UrbanFootprint is the first end-to-end SaaS offering in the industry. Our tools help municipalities, NGOs, private urban planning firms, and regional planners enact innovation, evolution, and sustainable solutions that change the way cities grow. UrbanFootprint is the world’s first Urban Intelligence platform. Our mission is to make cities livable for seven billion people. UrbanFootprint combines 1000s of curated data sets and powerful analytics with a SimCity-for-real scenario building toolset to measure the impact of planning and investment decisions.

We answer questions and provide insights to government, enterprise, and academic institutions in urban planning, finance, mobility, sustainability, policy making, healthcare, and disaster preparedness. We serve the Location Intelligence sector, and our current customers include Government (Cities, State/Fed Agencies), Enterprise (Planning, Design and Architecture consultancies), and Academic (Universities and Researchers). We are expanding our reach into new verticals, including the mobility, real estate, and energy sectors.

UrbanFootprint is the world’s first Urban Intelligence platform. Our mission is to make cities livable for seven billion people. UrbanFootprint combines 1000s of curated data sets and powerful analytics with a SimCity-for-real scenario building toolset to measure the impact of planning and investment decisions.

Calthorpe Analytics / UrbanFootprint Business/Corporation Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  UrbanFootprint software streamlines land use & mobility planning decisions with actionable data for all U.S. locations. UrbanFootprint comes ready-to-use with the most comprehensive, parcel-based land use data hub available. Quickly map existing conditions, build and test future scenarios, and analyze land use impacts in terms of emissions, transportation, water use, energy use, walk accessibility, transit accessibility, risk and resilience, and more. UrbanFootprint streamlines urban planning and mobility decisions with actionable data for all U.S. locations. UrbanFootprint is cloud-based Urban Intelligence software that delivers insight to government, enterprise, and academic institutions in urban planning, finance, mobility, sustainability, policy making, healthcare, and disaster preparedness. We created UrbanFootprint as a response to the real-life challenges planners face daily – grappling with data and tools to tackle how cities address climate change, housing affordability, mobility, and beyond. Our software helps planners and companies to quickly evaluate existing conditions, explore urban markets, analyze the impacts of future scenarios, and support transparent communication with easy-to-understand maps reporting. UrbanFootprint is based on advanced server technologies and enables users with a web browser and internet connection to edit land use scenarios and conduct analysis across a wide range of performance measures. Written entirely using open source software, UrbanFootprint enables Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and other city, county, regional, and state governmental organizations to use a common platform for land use, transportation, and resource scenarios. Because of the open source nature of UrbanFootprint, non-profit and other non-governmental organizations will be able to use the software to develop and compare scenarios either independently or collaboratively. UrbanFootprint is the formal name for the urban footprint modeling software created by Calthorpe Analytics.

Carbon Lighthouse (.com) Business/Corporation San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Our mission is to stop climate change. Period. Carbon Lighthouse was created with the goal of using market forces to stop climate change. Solutions it offers are designed to scale to a diverse set of locations and markets, have a large potential environmental impact, and be profitably self-sustaining without government regulation or subsidies.
Profile:  We make it profitable for large buildings to become carbon neutral by: 1 - Using rigorous data collection and advanced analytics to continually refine our understanding of how to maximize impact 2 - Deploying mature, cost-effective technologies and making the mechanical systems you already own operate more efficiently by implementing efficiency upgrades and layering in solar and lighting when it makes sense 3 - Developing financial structures that overcome any barrier to an owner seeing real benefits, no matter what the right energy mix is for your building and no matter the lease types 4 - Guaranteeing the results, because no one likes risk, and we want to completely de-risk the choice to go with us.

Carbon Lighthouse (.org) CLA Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Carbon Lighthouse Association (CLA) is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping companies and individuals offset their emissions through taking away the rights of the fossil fuel industry to pollute and contribute to climate change.
Profile:  Founded to offer consumers an alternative, CLA reduces the number of government-regulated pollution allowances (instead of voluntary offsets) on behalf of our donors. By sourcing allowances (official carbon credits) directly from existing local cap and trade programs, currently the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) in the Northeast US, CLA provides our customers with the highest assurance that their investment results in real emissions reductions. These allowances present a unique impact case for companies and individuals looking to reduce their emissions at a competitive price.

Carrying Capacity Network CCN Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Real Solutions for America's Problems: CCN is a national non-profit advocacy group working to secure the sustainable future of the United States.
Profile:  CCN is a national non-profit advocacy group working to secure the sustainable future of the United States. Here you’ll find articles by some of the best contemporary thinkers in the fields of population stabilization, national revitalization, economic sustainability and resource conservation. Use our site to lobby your leaders in Congress, or join a live conversation in our chat room. Get the facts about the detrimental effects of mass-immigration, and why we need an immigration moratorium now more than ever. And don’t forget to sign on to our National Alert subscription email service, an indispensable resource for Americans who care enough to act.

Causa Justa :: Just Cause CJJC Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  Causa Justa :: Just Cause builds grassroots power and leadership to create strong, equitable communities. Born through mergers between Black organizations and Latino organizations, we build bridges of solidarity between working class communities. Through rights-based services, policy campaigns, civic engagement, and direct action, we improve conditions in our neighborhoods in the San Francisco Bay Area, and contribute to building the larger multi-racial, multi-generational movement needed for fundamental change.
Profile:  We are Causa Justa :: Just Cause (CJJC), a multi-racial, grassroots organization building community leadership to achieve justice for low-income San Francisco and Oakland residents. In 2010, CJJC emerged from the strategic collaboration of two powerful organizations: St. Peter’s Housing Committee and Just Cause Oakland. These two organizations represent more than 30 years combined experience working toward housing and racial justice for African Americans and Latinos. In 2015, we merged People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER) into our organization, expanding our issue and geographic reach even further. With offices in East and West Oakland and in San Francisco’s Mission and Bayview neighborhoods, we are a force for justice and unity among Black and Brown communities. Causa Justa :: Just Cause has a multi-faceted approach to fighting for social justice. We provide tenant rights advocacy and information to tenants through our Housing Committee/Tenants’ Rights Clinic. We build our membership through recruitment in the tenants’ rights clinics and through neighborhood door knocking and outreach. We fight grassroots campaigns to win immigrant rights and housing rights and work toward building a larger movement for social transformation.

CDPH Climate Change & Health Equity Program CCHEP State Government Richmond Contra Costa Website
Mission:  The Climate Change and Health Equity Program (CCHEP) envisions a state where all Californians thrive in healthy, equitable, and resilient communities. We work to achieve this by building health equity, advancing climate action, and improving living conditions through policies, systems, and environmental changes.
Profile:  The Climate Change and Health Equity Program (CCHEP) embeds health and equity in California climate change planning, and embeds climate change and equity in public health planning. CCHEP works with local, state, and national partners to assure that climate change mitigation and adaptation activities have beneficial effects on health while not exacerbating already existing unfair and preventable differences in health status of some groups (health inequities). CCHEP implements California’s climate change laws and executive orders, contributing health equity considerations.

Center for Climate Change and Health Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  PHI’s Center for Climate Change & Health contributes to building healthy and climate-resilient communities that have the right tools to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The Center engages local leaders, scientists, policymakers, health care providers and civil society in mainstreaming the protection of health across a wide range of policies and sectors. It promotes strategies that reduce long-term climate change, promote climate resilient communities, protect all people from the health impacts of climate change, and optimize health and health equity outcomes.
Profile:  Public Health Institute's Center for Climate Change & Health is dedicated to tackling the challenge of climate change while creating more vibrant, healthy and equitable communities throughout the US and around the world.

Center for Ocean Solutions Nonprofit Stanford Santa Clara Website
Mission:  We work with researchers at Stanford and other universities to advance understanding of ocean challenges and to help create new solutions. Our core team of researchers and fellows partner with other research institutions, national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), businesses and governments, as well as established and emerging leaders in the data revolution to deliver impact in the water. As a university-based center, we integrate leadership development into all of our work to help build a generation of ocean leaders who are equipped to work across disciplines and across sectors.
Profile:  We are an interdisciplinary program of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment. We capitalize on Stanford’s deep expertise in ocean science and in the many other disciplines crucial to solving ocean problems including engineering, computer science, political science, design and business. We host a range of researchers and fellows to support our work, including Early Career Fellows who support interdisciplinary collaborations, and more seasoned senior fellows who strive to form strategic partnerships with NGOs and local governments within the regions we work.

Center For Urban Education About Sustainable Agriculture CUESA Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  CUESA (Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture) is a non-profit organization dedicated to cultivating a sustainable food system through the operation of the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market and its educational programs.

Center on Race, Poverty, & the Environment CRPE Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  The Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment is a national environmental justice organization providing legal, organizing, and technical assistance to grassroots groups in low-income communities and communities of color.

Chan Zuckerberg Inititive Nonprofit Redwood City San Mateo Website
Mission:  The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative's mission is to find new ways to leverage technology, community-driven solutions, and collaboration to accelerate progress in Science, Education, and within our Justice & Opportunity work.
Profile:  The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is using technology to help solve some of our toughest challenges — from preventing and eradicating disease, to improving learning experiences for kids, to reforming the criminal justice system. Founded by Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg in 2015, CZI’s mission is to build a more inclusive, just, and healthy future for everyone.

Charge Across Town Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  We are Charge Across Town. Our mission is to help reduce carbon emissions from cars in California by promoting the adoption of zero emissions vehicles. We collaborate with statewide community organizations and government to bring experiential educational and outreach events to ALL communities across California. Our work results in cleaner air ...

Charity Cultural Services Center Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Charity Cultural Services Center aims to help children, youth and adults prepare for a better future by offering support and expanding opportunities through education, employment training, and other essential services that promote personal and economic self-sufficiency. It has recently begun undertaking environmental projects as well.
Profile:  For many years, Charity Cultural Services Center has had a hand in educating San Francisco communities on the importance of being environmentally conscious. CCSC participates in outreach efforts to educate seniors and business on the benefits of recycling and composting to reduce the amount of wasted in our communities.

Citizens Action for a Sustainable Alameda Nonprofit Alameda Alameda Website

Citizens Environmental Council of Burlingame Nonprofit Burlingame San Mateo Website

Citizens for a Better Environment Nonprofit Richmond Contra Costa Website
Profile:  Non-profit, statewide, multiracial, urban environmental health and justice organization that works with urban communities and grassroots organizations--using science based research, legal tactics, and organizing strategies to prevent air and water pollution, eliminate toxic hazards, and improve public health.

Citizens for East Shore Parks Nonprofit Albany Alameda Website
Profile:  The mission of Citizens for East Shore Parks (CESP) is to create a necklace of shoreline parks from the Oakland Estuary to the Carquinez Strait. CESP works to conserve natural resources and wildlife habitat and to secure public access to shoreline open space along our magnificent East Bay shoreline.

Citizens' Climate Lobby - Alameda County CCL Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  Citizens' Climate Lobby empowers everyday people to work with their community and their members of Congress on climate change solutions. Our supporters cover the political spectrum and work in more than 500 local chapters. Together, we're building support for a national bipartisan solution to climate change.

Citizens' Climate Lobby - Castro Valley CCL Nonprofit Castro Valley Alameda Website

Citizens' Climate Lobby - Contra Costa CCL Nonprofit Lafayette Contra Costa Website
Profile:  About Citizens' Climate Lobby CCL empowers everyday people to work together on climate change solutions. Our supporters are organized in more than 400 local chapters across the United States. Together we're building support in Congress for a national bipartisan solution to climate change.

Citizens' Climate Lobby - Marin CCL Nonprofit San Rafael Marin Website

Citizens' Climate Lobby - Monterey CCL Nonprofit Monterey Monterey Website

Citizens' Climate Lobby - Napa County CCL Nonprofit Napa Napa Website

Citizens' Climate Lobby - Sacramento CCL Nonprofit Sacramento Sacramento Website

Citizens' Climate Lobby - San Francisco CCL Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Citizens' Climate Lobby has advocated for Carbon Fee and Dividend for nearly a decade. In 2019, members of the House introduced the bipartisan Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, which embodies the fee-and-dividend approach we support.

Citizens' Climate Lobby - San Mateo CCL Nonprofit San Mateo San Mateo Website

Citizens' Climate Lobby - Santa Cruz CCL Nonprofit Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Website

Citizens' Climate Lobby - Santa Rosa CCL Nonprofit Santa Rosa Sonoma Website

Citizens' Climate Lobby - Silicon Valley East - Milpitas CCL Nonprofit Milpitas Santa Clara Website

Citizens' Climate Lobby - Silicon Valley North - Mountain View-Los Altos CCL Nonprofit Mountain View Santa Clara Website

Citizens' Climate Lobby - Silicon Valley South - San Jose CCL Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website

Citizens' Climate Lobby - Stanford University - Palo Alto CCL Nonprofit Palo Alto Santa Clara Website

Citizens' Climate Lobby - Tri-Valley - Livermore CCL Nonprofit Livermore Alameda Website

City Carshare Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website

City Fields Foundation Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  So every San Francisco child has a place to play ball
Profile:  The Playfields Initiative is a million public-private partnership between CFF and the San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department. With the goal of providing high-quality playing fields for all San Francisco kids, the partnership renovated and expanded access to nine facilities—a total of 21 fields—from 2006-2015.. These facilities included Minnie and Lovie Recreation Center, Mission Playground, Kimbell Playground, Crocker Amazon Playground, South Sunset Playground, Franklin Square Playground, Silver Terrace Playground, Garfield Square and Beach Chalet Athletic Fields at Golden Gate Park.

City of Alameda - Climate Action & Resiliency City Government Alameda Alameda Website
Profile:  Alameda is an island but feels similar to any small town/city in suburbia (it is also part of Bay Farm Island if need to go into detail #wikipedia). So, it's an average suburbia with shopping centers rather than malls, a small downtown, and quiet residential streets.

City of Alameda Climate Circles City Government Alameda Alameda Website
Profile:  Alameda staff, community, and outside experts are working together to develop a comprehensive plan to reduce Alameda's greenhouse gas emissions, increase quality of life on the island, and adapt to climate change impacts like increased flooding. In response to the serious and urgent threat of climate change,...

City of Berkeley City Government Berkeley Alameda Website

City of Clayton City Government Clayton Contra Costa Website
Profile:  Welcome to the City of Clayton Our city is a very special place, with exceptional people who have a deep appreciation for the community's history, tradition and volunteerism. In 2014, Clayton celebrated its 50th Anniversary of Incorporation (1964) yet Clayton still retains many of the time-honored characteristics treasured by its founding fathers in 1857.

City of Fremont City Government Fremont Alameda Website

City of Half Moon Bay City Government Half Moon Bay San Mateo Website

City of Healdsburg City Government Healdsburg Sonoma Website
Profile:  Climate Action Plan The City of Healdsburg, in collaboration with Sonoma County's Regional Climate Authority (RCPA), along with the other eight incorporated jurisdictions of Sonoma County, and the County of Sonoma itself, created a draft Climate Action Plan (CAP). The draft CAP includes both regional measures (to be implemented by regional agencies with local government support) and local measures (to be implemented by local governments) to achieve target GHG emission reductions and adapt to climate change.

City of Livermore City Government Livermore Alameda Website

City of Novato - Sustainability City Government Novato Marin

City of Oakland City Government Oakland Alameda Website

City of Oakland Public Library Special District/Government Oakland Alameda Website

City of Palo Alto City Government Palo Alto San Mateo Website
Profile:  Located 35 miles south of San Francisco and 14 miles north of San Jose, Palo Alto is a community of approximately 63,000 residents. Part of the San Francisco Metropolitan Bay Area and the Silicon Valley, the City's boundaries extend from San Francisco Bay on the east to the Skyline Ridge of the coastal mountains on the west. The City encompasses an area of approximately 26 square miles,

City of Richmond City Government Richmond Contra Costa Website

City of Rohnert Park City Government Rohnert Park Sonoma Website

City of San Francisco City Government San Francisco San Francisco Website

City of San Jose City Government San Jose Santa Clara Website

City of Santa Rosa City Government Santa Rosa Sonoma Website

CivicSpark Nonprofit Sacramento Sacramento Website
Profile:  CivicSpark is a Governor's Initiative AmeriCorps program that is dedicated to building capacity for local governments to address emerging environmental and social equity resilience challenges such as climate change, water resource management, affordable housing, and mobility.

Climate Access Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Climate Access is a nonprofit organization building support for climate solutions through a learning center, piloting innovative engagement projects, and providing strategic consulting services. Experience Hermosa Beach in virtual reality with Look Ahead. We're exploring potential sea-level rise risks and responses, and helping the City of ...

Climate and Energy Funders Group Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The Climate and Energy Funders Group (CEFG) supports, facilitates, and seeks to expand a network of funders responding to global climate change by supporting a variety of strategies to address the problem. Philanthropy has a critically important role to play as the impacts of global climate change become more evident; CEFG is the only national ...

Climate Compassion Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  Through community events, workshops and trainings, Climate Compassion inspires widening circles of compassionate action, rippling from self-compassion to taking action for the benefit of our human family and the web of life, for current and future generations. We aim to be a node of mutual flourishing, that shifts culture toward a life-sustaining society.
Profile:  We offer: Community events, such as salons featuring inspiring speakers who embody generative solutions to our ecological and social crises, with plenty of time for connection and interaction Workshops and Trainings weaving together practical action plans and the psycho-social-spiritual skills necessary to sustain our effective engagement One-on-One Sessions that combine embodied leadership, healing modalities, and transformative practices

Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force CEMTF Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  The Climate Emergency Task Force is a regional coalition of San Francisco Bay Area municipalities, elected officials, nonprofits, environmental justice organizations, private citizens, businesses gathered organized to plan a Bay Area Regional Summit and campaign on Climate Mobilization through a Just Transition.

Climate Justice Alliance Nonprofit Alameda Website
Profile:  Climate Justice Alliance membership is rooted in a shared landscape analysis, priorities and overall vision. Our alliance includes base-building frontline organizations (BFOs), Alliances, Networks, and Movement Support Organizations.

Climate Justice Caucus Nonprofit Alameda Website
Profile:  What We Do Climate Convergence is a grassroots network of climate justice organizations and activists (Indigenous, Labour, Student, NGO and Communities of Faith). We are mobilizing to stop climate...

Climate Parents Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  Climate Parents Sierra Club's Climate Parents is a diverse national movement of parents and families mobilizing for bold clean energy and climate solutions. With many schools across the nation closed and communities across the country being asked to shelter in place and/or practice social distancing, we've come up with some tools and resources we hope you find helpful.

Climate Readiness Institute Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  Climate Readiness Institute. The Climate Readiness Institute develops 21st century climate adaptation solutions to build the Bay Area's capacity for action, and creates knowledge to inform and inspire cities worldwide.

Climate Reality Project - San Francisco Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Founded by former Vice President Al Gore, we're bringing the world together to solve the climate crisis and make a sustainable future a reality.

Climatesmart Charity Nonprofit SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco Website
Profile:  MRV stands for Measure, Report, Verify, which is the foundation of any carbon development project. With the proprietary and leading MRV software in the business, we’ll create a customized MRV plan for you that takes your Project from initiation through to serialized credit production.

ClimateWorks Foundation Foundation San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  ClimateWorks Foundation - ClimateWorks is committed to climate action. ClimateWorks mobilizes philanthropy to help solve the climate crisis and ensure a prosperous future.

CMG Landscape Architecture CMG Business/Corporation San Francisco San Francisco Website

Coalition For San Francisco Neighborhoods Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Advocating for a healthy city
Profile:  The Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods grew out of concerned neighborhood organizations whose proposals to the Planning Department for amendments to the height and bulk limits were rejected. The San Francisco Foundation gave a small grant to get the Coalition on its way, with SPEAK serving as fiscal agent, and a part time secretary was hired to set up meetings, produce a Newsletter and to recruit neighborhood organizations. The Coalition was incorporated in 1991 as a 501(c)4 non profit civic organization with a Board of Directors made up of representatives of member organizations. It has held candidates and issues forums to educate the members and the public. It has, through member participation and lobbying, supported its members on issues affecting the broad community and continues to watch various City departments to insure fair treatment of all city residents.

Coalition of Labor Union Women - San Francisco Chapter Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website

Committee for Green Foothills Nonprofit Palo Alto Santa Clara Website
Profile:  Since 1962, Green Foothills has been protecting open space, farmland, and natural resources in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties for the benefit of all through advocacy, education, and grassroots action.

Committee to House the Bay Area CASA Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  CASA - The Committee to House the Bay Area Comprised of major employers, for-profit and nonprofit housing developers, labor and environmental leaders, public policy and affordable housing advocates, transportation experts, charitable foundations and elected officials, CASA was convened in mid-2017 by MTC and the Association of Bay Area ...

Common Compost Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  Common Compost is a sustainable food recycling and composting service provider located in Oakland, California. We're dedicated to increasing access to high quality, locally produced compost for urban agricultural projects. Our programs encourage food processors to think more holistically a

Communications Workers of America - District 9 Another office in Santa Fe Springs. Nonprofit Sacramento Sacramento Website
Profile:  CWA District 9 is responsible for supporting the CWA Locals in the states of California, Hawaii and Nevada.

Communities for a Better Environment CBE Nonprofit Richmond Contra Costa Website
Mission:  Founded in 1978, Communities for a Better Environment (CBE) is one of the preeminent environmental justice organizations in the nation. The mission of CBE is to build people’s power in California’s communities of color and low income communities to achieve environmental health and justice by preventing and reducing pollution and building green, healthy and sustainable communities and environments.
Profile:  Non-profit, statewide, multiracial, urban environmental health and justice organization that works with urban communities and grassroots organizations--using science based research, legal tactics, and organizing strategies to prevent air and water pollution, eliminate toxic hazards, and improve public health.

Communities for Sustainable Monterey County CSMC Nonprofit Monterey Monterey Website

Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda CASA Nonprofit Alameda Alameda Website
Profile:  CASA (Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda) is a community-wide coalition dedicated to raising awareness, mobilizing community action, and facilitating the implementation of programs to achieve the goal of Alameda's Local Action Plan for Climate Protection and to increase community sustainability and well-being.

Community Climate Solutions Business/Corporation Fremont Alameda Website
Profile:  Lisa is the founder of Community Climate Solutions. Lisa has over 10 years experience in community organizing on climate change, business management and data system design. Lisa holds a B.S. and M.S. from UC Berkeley in Environmental Economics.

Contra Costa Climate Action Network Nonprofit Lafayette Contra Costa Website
Profile:  The Interfaith Climate Action Network of Contra Costa County was launched on Earth Day 2015 in Lafayette. Organized and led by CIPL member congregations in the county, more than 100 people shared in the following commitment. Interfaith Climate Action Network of Contra Costa County Covenant. We pledge allegiance to the Earth and all life upon it.

Contra Costa County County Government Martinez Contra Costa Website

Contra Costa County Climate Leaders 4CL Nonprofit Martinez Contra Costa Website
Profile:  The Contra Costa County Climate Leaders (4CL) program is a network assisting the county and its 19 cities to inform, support and encourage the measurement and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Through education and sharing of best practices we will ensure sustainable, healthy and livable cities.

Contra Costa Health Services County Government Martinez Contra Costa Website
Profile:  Contra Costa County is dedicated to providing public services which improve the quality of life for our residents.

Contra Costa Housing Authority County Government Martinez Contra Costa Website
Profile:  The Housing Authority of the County of Contra Costa provides rental subsidies and manages and develops affordable housing for low incom e families, seniors and persons with disabilities in Contra Costa County. The Housing Authority is a public corporation separate and distinct from HUD, from county government, and from other county and state ...

Contra Costa Water Resources County Government Martinez Contra Costa Website

Crockett-Rodeo United to Defend the Environment CRUDE Nonprofit Rodeo Contra Costa Website
Profile:  We are citizens learning about how the environment is being affected by the processing of fossil fuels and are sharing our knowledge with others in and around Rodeo, Crockett and Hercules, California.

CSU East Bay Office of Sustainability Academic: K-12 School Hayward Alameda Website

Daily Acts Nonprofit Petaluma Sonoma Website

David and Lucille Packard Foundation Foundation Los Altos Santa Clara Website

Democratic Socialists of America San Francisco Chapter Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Democratic Socialists of America ?? San Francisco. Democratic Socialists of America - San Francisco Chapter seeks to create a system based on justice and equality for all people. We believe everyone deserves to live their own life with dignity. We work to equalize political and economic power, because true democracy cannot coexist with ...

Diablo Rising Tide - Bay Area Chapter Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  Diablo Rising Tide. Taking action in the San Francisco Bay Area to confront the Root Cause of Climate Change. No compromise in defense of a just and stable climate.

Drawdown Bay Area Nonprofit San Rafael Marin Website

Drawdown Marin Nonprofit San Rafael Marin Website
Profile:  Drawdown: Marin is a community-driven campaign to do our part to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for climate change impacts.

Dublin Environmental Programs Division City Government Dublin Alameda Website
Profile:  Environmental Programs; Environmental Programs Division The City of Dublin is concerned about protecting the environment and safeguarding the public health to create a more sustainable environment for this and future generations. The City develops, implements, and monitors programs to manage natural resources and hazardous materials, promotes conservation efforts, and administers and enforces ...

EAH Housing Nonprofit San Rafael Marin Website
Profile:  About EAH Housing. Expanding the range of opportunities for all by developing, managing and promoting quality affordable housing and diverse communities, EAH Housing is a 501(c)(3) organization celebrating 50 years in 2018!

Earth Island Institute Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  The Earth Island Institute is non-profit environmental group founded in 1982 by David Brower.[1] Located in Berkeley, California, it supports activism around environmental issues through fiscal sponsorship that provides the administrative and organizational infrastructure for individual projects.

Earth Team Nonprofit Richmond Contra Costa Website
Mission:  Earth Team empowers urban youth to become lifelong environmental stewards through experiential education, skills development, and the building of community connections
Profile:  Earth Team is committed to delivering quality service-learning projects by partnering with the strongest educational, environmental and government organizations. The students will think globally by using the vast amount of information offered, connect regionally by working with students from other communities, whether on joint projects, at special events, or on the website, and act locally in community based projects.

Earthjustice Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Earthjustice (originally Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund) is a non-profit public interest organization based in the United States dedicated to litigating environmental issues. It is headquartered in San Francisco and has 14 regional offices across the United States, an International Program, a communications team, and a Policy & Legislation team in Washington, DC. Earthjustice is the premier nonprofit environmental law organization. We wield the power of law and the strength of partnership to protect people's health, to preserve magnificent places and wildlife, to advance clean energy, and to combat climate change. We are here because the earth needs a good lawyer.

East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy EBASE Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  A labor-affiliated think-tank that researches economic issues in the East Bay.

EcoEquity Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  Global economic justice as the key to emergency climate mobilization
Profile:  coEquity is a small, activist think tank that has had an outsized impact on the global climate equity debate. It has done this primarily, but not exclusively, by way of its fair shares campaign, in the context of a global emergency climate mobilization. This goal has been pursued, first, via the Greenhouse Development Rights project and, more recently, by way of its successor the Climate Equity Reference Project. EcoEquity is focused on political and theoretical work on climate solutions that are fair enough to actually work. Through its participation in domestic and international networks of activists and scholars, it argues for emergency climate strategies that protect the poor, and more generally protect the rights of all people to dignified levels of just and sustainable development.

Ecology Center Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  The Ecology Center is a non-profit organization based in Berkeley, California to provide environmental education and reduce the ecological footprint of urban residents.

Endangered Species International Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Our Mission: Endangered Species International is strongly committed to reversing the trend of human-induced species extinction, saving endangered animals, and preserving wild places. Latest Actions On The Ground

Environment Committee of the Sonoma Valley Democrats Nonprofit Santa Rosa Sonoma Website

Environmental Education Coalition of Napa County Nonprofit Napa Napa Website
Profile:  Environmental Education Coalition of Napa County. EECNC connects members of our community with the local environment. Through a network of local organizations, the coalition provides resources and support to promote sustainable living and to cultivate an appreciation of the natural world.

Environmental Federation of California Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  "CFEE continues to be the premier venue for having focused, bi-partisan dialogue on issues critical to California's economic and environmental prosperity. If you're a policymaker or an elected official seeking to learn more about the state's core challenges and how to pragmatically pursue viable solutions, CFEE is an indispensable resource."

Environmental Finance Center West EFC West Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  Founded in 1994, EFCWest empowers vulnerable populations, delivers innovative leadership training and builds community capacity in the United States and internationally.
Profile:  EFCWest trains communities and organizations in the US and abroad in leadership skills and tools that emphasize an overall systemic and multi-stakeholder approach. Our Leadership philosophy stresses the belief that we can all be leaders and our training incorporates the views and input of all levels of a community or agency – from the front desk to the top floor.

Exploratorium Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Exploratorium Exhibit Collection. We've been making our own interactive exhibits here at the Exploratorium since 1969, and have over 650 exhibits currently on display in our museum.

Extinction Rebellion - San Francisco Bay Chapter Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Chapter is sending love to those across the world impacted by COVID-19 and their families. These times call for strengthened resilience and mutual aid. This is a global crisis, which, similar to the deadly crisis of climate change, requires a global response at individual, family, community, city, region, state, country and international levels. We have the responsibility to take personal accountability for our actions by staying at home to limit cross-contamination risk, as well as the opportunity to create resilient social structures and mutual aid infrastructure that we can continue to grow to address the climate crisis (mortality rate of 80% of all life on earth on our current trajectory).

Faith Against Fracking Religious/Faith-based Org. Oakland Alameda Website

Filipino/American Coalition for Environmental Solidarity FACES Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  FACES, the Filipino/American Coalition for Environmental Solidarity, is a grassroots organization based in Berkeley, California working for environmental justice in the Philippines and beyond. The organization was originally founded in 2000 with the mission to clean up former US military bases in the Philippines. Today, their mission has ...

Foothill College Center for a Sustainable Future Academic: K-12 School Los Altos Hills Santa Clara Website
Profile:  The Foothill College Center for a Sustainable Future exists to Foster ecoliteracy across the curriculum Revitalize and re-envision general education through a sustainable lens

Fossil Free California Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website

Fossil Free Mid-Peninsula FFM Nonprofit Redwood City San Mateo Website

Foundation for Climate Restoration Nonprofit Los Altos Santa Clara Website

Fresh Air Vallejo Nonprofit Vallejo Solano Website

Friends of Adeline Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  We Shall Determine Our Own Future – Development of and within this community must be inclusive, empowering and respectful of the diversity of the people of South Berkeley.
Profile:  Friends of Adeline is a diverse group of caring South Berkeley residents working in partnership with local businesses, nonprofits, and others to affect change so that our neighborhood is an inclusive and just place for all people. Join us to build a more equitable South Berkeley and a better Berkeley for all!

Friends of Baxter Creek Nonprofit El Cerrito Contra Costa
Profile:  The group was created by those passionate about restoring Baxter Creek in El Cerrito and Richmond, California.[2] The group has led to the restoration of various stretches of the creek. The FoGC has also made it that creek restoration is a part of any development effort along the path of this small river. The friends created along with the city of El Cerrito "Baxter Creek Gateway Park" along the Ohlone Greenway and the Richmond Greenway.

Friends of Five Creeks Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  Helping Nature in the East Bay - Hands On. All-volunteer Friends of Five Creeks works hands-on for clean water, healthy watersheds, and natural areas that welcome both wildlife and people, from Berkeley to Richmond on the urbanized east side of San Francisco Bay.

Friends of Garrity Creek Nonprofit Richmond Contra Costa
Profile:  The Friends of Garrity Creek (FGC) is a political organization in Contra Costa County, California which promote the preservation of Garrity Creek. The Friends was formed in 2001 when development on steep slopes near the creek's artesian spring source threatened its existence and quality. The friends were eventually successful in preventing the later determined illegal development which was in violation of grade limits for steepness.

Friends of Sausal Creek FSC Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  Sausal Creek is in Oakland, CA. The Friends of Sausal Creek are volunteers working to maintain and improve the creek watershed.

Friends of the Earth FOE Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website

Friends of the Urban Forest Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Friends of the Urban Forest helps individuals and neighborhood groups plant and care for street trees and sidewalk gardens in San Francisco. This "green infrastructure" improves the city by beautifying neighborhoods, cleaning the air, and reducing polluted stormwater runoff.

Future 500 Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  We believe that forging better relationships is the first step toward solving our most pressing environmental and social challenges. By helping companies and their stakeholders step out of their respective echo chambers and seek common ground in uncommon places, we aim to catalyze innovative, systemic solutions that enable both our planet and society to thrive.
Profile:  Future 500 is a non-profit consultancy that builds trust between companies, advocates, investors, and philanthropists to advance business as a force for good. In the 20+ years since, we’ve helped countless companies, NGOs, and other organizations collaboratively tackle complex sustainability challenges.

Global Wildlife Conservation Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco

Golden Gate Audubon Society Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website

Golden Gate Raptor Observatory Nonprofit Sausalito Marin Website

Green Challenge City Government Fremont Alameda Website

Green For All Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  Green For All is a national program of the Dream Corps at the intersection of the environmental, economic, and racial justice movements.

Green the Church Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  Green The Church engages congregations in the fight against climate change, and helps churches serve as centers of resilience that ensure their communities survive and thrive in the face of disasters.

Greenaction for Health and Enviromental Justice Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice We mobilize community power to win victories that change government and corporate policies and practices to protect health and to promote environmental, social and economic justice.

Greenbelt Alliance Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Greenbelt Alliance is a non-profit land conservation and urban planning organization that has worked in California's nine-county San Francisco Bay Area since 1958. Greenbelt Alliance promotes the creation of walkable neighborhoods with a mix of shops, homes, and jobs near public transit. The organization encourages cities to adopt smart growth policies, to accommodate the Bay Area's increasing population while protecting open space and making the region's cities better places to live. It has been involved in the adoption of urban growth boundaries in more than 20 cities and 5 counties in the Bay Area. These boundaries draw a line to define where growth should and should not go, and are generally either adopted by voters through the initiative process, or by city councils or county boards of supervisors. Greenbelt Alliance works to get Bay Area residents involved in their local urban planning processes and development decisions. To help people learn more about the region's open space and its cities, the organization leads hikes, farm tours, and urban walks throughout the Bay Area that are open to the public. It also endorses development proposals that meet smart growth guidelines and include homes people can afford. Greenbelt Alliance addresses how the Bay Area handles growth. We shape the rules that govern growth to protect open spaces and make cities and towns thrive.

GreenBiz Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  GreenBiz advances the opportunities at the intersection of business, technology and sustainability. Through its websites, events, peer-to-peer network and research, GreenBiz promotes the potential to drive transformation and accelerate progress within companies, industries and in the very nature of business.

Greeninfo Network Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  We create, analyze, visualize and communicate information in the public interest. GreenInfo Network is a non-profit helping a wide range of public interest groups and government agencies use GIS and web mapping and applications for outreach, analysis and advocacy.

Grid Alternatives Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  GRID Alternatives is a nonprofit organization that brings the benefits of solar technology to communities that would not otherwise have access, providing needed savings for families, preparing workers for jobs in the fast-growing solar industry, and helping clean our environment.

Hayward Collective Nonprofit Hayward Alameda Website
Profile:  The Hayward Collective is a womxn, people of color, LGBTIQ+-led organization. We aim to build a community of accountability, equity, health and social justice through fluid stacktivism, art, advocacy, and self-care. ...

Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center Nonprofit Hayward Alameda Website
Profile:  Perched on stilts above a salt marsh, the Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center is your introduction to the ecology of the San Francisco Bay Estuary. It features exhibits, programs, and activities designed to inspire a sense of appreciation, respect, and stewardship for the bay, its inhabitants, and the services they provide.

HealthRIGHT 360 Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  HealthRIGHT 360 is a family of integrated health programs that provides compassionate care and treatment to over 38,000 individuals a year through more than 70 distinct and culturally competent programs in 13 California counties.

Healthy Black Families Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  The vision of Healthy Black Families, Inc. is to "fully achieve health equity through the elimination of racism primarily institutional racism.

Idle No More SF Bay Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Standing together for the rights of Indigenous People Mother Earth and the Sacred System of Life
Profile:  Idle No More calls on all people to join in a peaceful revolution, to honour Indigenous sovereignty, and to protect the land and water.

Indian People Organizing for Change - Ohlone Nonprofit Emeryville Alameda Website
Profile:  Indian People Organizing for Change (IPOC) is a community-based organization in the San Francisco Bay Area. Its members, including Ohlone tribal members and conservation activists, work together in order to accomplish social and environmental justice within the Bay Area American Indian community. Current projects include the preservation of Bay Area shellmounds, which are the sacred burial ...

Indivisible East Bay Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  Indivisible East Bay is a grassroots community group founded in 2017, inspired by the 2016 Indivisible Guide. We are working to expand and protect our democracy and enact a progressive legislative agenda. We do this by influencing our representatives in government, advocating for policies that advance economic, racial, gender, and environmental justice, participating in electoral work, and allying with groups across the country to protect our rights and build a vibrant, participatory democracy and a better future for all.

We cover the East Bay Area, spanning California’s 11th, 13th, and 15th congressional districts. In addition to IndivisibleEB, there are a number of other Indivisible groups covering specifics cities, countries, and even neighborhoods. Whenever possible, we try to work together in order to build a coalition of like-minded activists.

Indivisible San Francisco Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Our members act every day to enact our progressive values: strengthening democracy, healthcare for all, economic justice, climate justice, racial and gender justice and reproductive rights. On the federal, state and local level, we hold our elected officials accountable!
Profile:  Indivisible SF is one of thousands of local groups that use the principles of the Indivisible Guides to take action against the GOP's agenda, elect local champions and fight for progressive policies. The original Indivisible Guide was written by two former Congressional staffers after Trump's election. It was updated and expanded into two guides after the 2018 midterm elections, which gave us a majority in the House and a blue trifecta in several states (including California). These are handbooks on constituent lobbying and activism on the national and state level. You should read them. The Indivisible National website is a great resource. It provides explainers on issues, Congressional procedures and effective lobbying efforts in the context of whatever’s going on in the moment. They also publish an excellent weekly newsletter which typically takes a deep dive on a key issue of the week (sign up on their homepage). Indivisible CA: StateStrong is a coalition of grassroots Indivisible groups using civic engagement to advance progressive values in the California state government. We include the most important state scripts in our newsletter and on our Call your Reps page, but you can track all the bills in the state legislature on the CA StateStrong website.

Indivisible Sonoma County Nonprofit Santa Rosa Sonoma Website
Profile:  The mission of Indivisible Sonoma County is to mobilize and organize people locally by connecting them with the political processes to fight for equality and justice. Inspired by we rally to resist the Trump agenda an agenda based on racism, authoritarianism, and corruption.

Institute For Fisheries Resources Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with headquarters in San Francisco, California. Established in 1993 by the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA), IFR is responsible for carrying out the fishery research and conservation needs of working fishing men and women.

Interethnica Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website

Interfaith Climate Action Network of Contra Costa Nonprofit Walnut Creek Contra Costa Website
Profile:  The ICCCC is a collection of 110 congregations, monasteries and retreat centers that join to make Contra Costa County a better place ?? where faith and service matter. View our Elected Council members and our Programs and Staff here. #CaringContraCosta information and links.

Interfaith Council of Alameda County Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website

Interfaith Power & Light Religious/Faith-based Org. Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  Interfaith Power & Light inspires and mobilizes people of faith and conscience to take bold and just action on climate change.
Profile:  A Religious Response to Global Warming Learn How You Can Help Interfaith Power & Light inspires and mobilizes people of faith and conscience to take bold and just action on climate change.

International Funders for Indigenous Peoples Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  International Funders for Indigenous Peoples is the only global donor affinity group dedicated solely to Indigenous peoples around the world. For the past seventeen years, IFIP has built momentum toward a new movement in philanthropy that recognizes Indigenous communities as

Intertribal Friendship House Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website

Joint Venture Silicon Valley Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website

LandPaths Nonprofit Santa Rosa Sonoma Website
Mission:  Established in 1996, LandPaths is a nonprofit community conservation organization with the mission of fostering a love of the land in Sonoma County.

Established in 1996, LandPaths is a nonprofit community conservation organization with the mission of fostering a love of the land in Sonoma County. We do this by:

  • Rooting youth in nature
  • Branching out conservation for everyone
  • Growing community with nature

Laney College Academic: K-12 School Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  The Peralta Colleges are proud participants in the Puente Project.The Puente Project is a national award-winning program that has improved the college-going rate of tens of thousands of California's educationally underrepresented students since 1981.

Latino Outdoors Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  We inspire, connect, and engage Latino communities in the outdoors and embrace cultura y familia as part of the outdoor narrative, ensuring our history, heritage, and leadership are valued and represented.
Profile:  Latino Outdoors is a unique Latinx-led organization working to create a national community of leaders in conservation and outdoor education. As part of this work, we are focused on expanding and amplifying the Latinx experience in the outdoors; providing greater leadership, mentorship, and professional opportunities while serving as a platform for sharing cultural connections and narratives that are often overlooked by the traditional outdoor movement. It is a space for the community to be present, share our voices, and showcase how conservation roots have been ingrained in la cultura Latina for generations. The Latino population is the fastest growing demographic in the United States, but among the most underrepresented in conservation, outdoor recreation, and environmental education. In a short period Latino Outdoors has expanded from a California based organization to an international volunteer movement. The original model is replicable and allows individuals to include their unique passions in each outing location and at each event. Through this network, volunteer leaders support each other in leading responsible recreation, providing mentoring activities to youth, expanding outdoor access through experiential programming, and partnering with other organizations for supplemental education components.

League of Women Voters - Albany Nonprofit Albany Alameda Website

League of Women Voters - Berkeley Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website

League of Women Voters - Emeryville Nonprofit Emeryville Alameda Website

Literacy For Environmental Justice Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  LEJ employs youth and engages local residents in the process of growing plants, restoring local habitats, and preserving the unique biodiversity of Southeast San Francisco. Via urban greening, eco-literacy, community stewardship, and green job development, LEJ is helping secure a healthier, greener future for Bayview Hunters Point.

Livable City Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Livable City works to create a San Francisco of great streets and complete neighborhoods, where walking, bicycling, and transit are the best choices for most trips, where public spaces are beautiful, well-designed, and well-maintained, and where housing is more plentiful and more affordable.
Profile:  Livable City is dedicated to improving transportation, land use, open space, and environmental policies, running programs like Sunday Streets, and supporting grassroots initiatives to make San Francisco a safer, healthier and more accessible city.

Local Clean Energy Alliance LCEA Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website

Marin Audubon Society Nonprofit Mill Valley Marin Website

Marin County County Government San Rafael Marin Website

Marin Interfaith Climate Action Network MICA Religious/Faith-based Org. San Rafael Marin Website
Profile:  The Marin Interfaith Council now has an initiative dealing directly with climate change, the Marin Interfaith Climate Action (MICA). Currently with a membership from 13 faith communities in Marin, and affiliated with local, state, and national environmental and climate groups, MICA is looking to extend its base of membership and increase its connections to our Marin faith communities.

MCE MCE Business/Corporation San Rafael Marin Website

Menlo Spark Nonprofit Menlo Park San Mateo Website
Profile:  Menlo Spark is an independent nonprofit working to help Menlo Park become climate neutral by 2025, as we advance community prosperity, economic vitality, and strong civic heritage.

Metropolitan Transit Commission MTC Commission/Authority San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  MTC is the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. We are a public, governmental agency responsible for planning, financing and coordinating transportation for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. And we're part of every trip you take.

MidPen Housing Nonprofit Foster City San Mateo Website

MidPen is building the future of affordable housing. Combining beautifully designed communities with life-transforming services for the residents who live in them, we’re on a mission to help our communities, partners, residents, and employees see what’s possible. As we grow faster than ever, we’re looking for passionate team members who want it all when they’re building their career. Find more than a job. Find a purpose. 

Mobile Home Action Fund Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  MHAction is a growing national movement of manufactured home community residents who organize their neighbors, build campaigns to protect the affordability and quality of their communities, and fight to advance racial, economic, and gender justice.

Mothers Out Front - San Francisco Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Mothers Out Front is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (tax ID number 46-5758600) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Find Out More

Mothers Out Front - San Jose/Silicon Valley Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website

Movement Generation Justice and Ecology Project Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project inspires and engages in transformative action towards the liberation and restoration of land, labor, and culture. We are rooted in vibrant social movements led by low-income communities and communities of color committed to a Just Transition away from profit and pollution and towards healthy, resilient and life-affirming local economies.

Movement Strategy Center Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  Putting love at the center. Embodying the values and spirit of our partners. Committed to a Just Transition.
Profile:  Since 2001 we have challenged systemic racism by providing space for reflection, experimentation, incubation, and fiscal sponsor services to BIPOC, women, and LGBTQIA Transformative Movement leaders tackling social justice causes that center on the interconnected issues of racial, gender, and environmental inequity. We insist on a radical shift in philanthropy that transforms giving practices in support of a culture of equity and diversity.

Mt. Diablo Audubon Society Nonprofit Walnut Creek Contra Costa Website

Mycelium Youth Network Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  WHY "MYCELIUM?" "Mycelium is the part of the fungus that grows underground in thread-like formations. It connects roots to one another and breaks down plant material to create healthier ecosystems. Mycelium is the largest organism on earth.

Napa Climate NOW! Nonprofit Napa Napa Website

Napa County Progressive Alliance Nonprofit Napa Napa Website

Napa Vision 2050 Nonprofit Yontville Napa Website

Napa Vision 2050 is entirely volunteer. There is no paid staff. It's a grassroots organization. We accept donations to support our efforts to respect the semi-rural character of Napa County.Over a dozen neighborhood groups countywide joined forces to:

  • Advocate for protection of waterways, forests, oak woodlands and improve air quality.
  • Protect and restore the resilience of our natural environment to meet the challenges of our changing climate.
  • Protect lands in Agricultural Preserve and Agricultural Watershed Open Space.
  • Empower the public to make informed decisions in our government.
  • Build healthy cities with affordable workforce housing, living wages, walkable downtowns, and public transit.
  • Keep the needs of our local community and our natural environment foremost in our government’s actions and policies.

Napa Vision 2050 is an Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(4) public benefit corporation.

Napa-Solano Audubon Society Nonprofit Napa Napa Website

Newark Office of Sustainability City Government Newark Alameda Website

No Coal in Oakland NCIOAK Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  Although we support the construction of the Oakland Global Trade and Logistics Center and all the jobs it will bring, we reject the developer’s claim that coal shipment is needed to sustain the Center, and we reject the claim that there will be fewer jobs if coal is excluded from the project. Environmental justice and protection of the climate can go hand-in-hand with redevelopment of Oakland’s waterfront.
Profile:  No Coal in Oakland is a grassroots organization campaigning to stop the threat of coal being transported by rail into Oakland for export overseas. Though the Oakland City Council, the city’s Mayor, and politicians at the state and local levels are on-record opposing coal passing through Oakland, the proposal to build a massive coal terminal at the foot of the Bay Bridge remains tied up in both Federal and California lawsuits, and decidedly on the table.

No Coal in Richmond Nonprofit Richmond Contra Costa Website
Mission:  To make Richmond a healthier place to live, we need to end the storage and handling of coal and pet coke at the Levin-Richmond Terminal. The Richmond Coal Ordinance establishes a fair process, gradually phasing out coal and poisonous petroleum coke and relying on the city's legal authority to protect us.
Profile:  We are a group of concerned residents and allies who have worked for over two years to end coal and petroleum coke storage and handling at the Levin-Richmond Terminal.

NorCal Community Resilience Network Network / Association / Coalition Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  The NorCal Resilience Network is a grassroots coalition that activates and supports community-based, nature-inspired solutions to climate change, economic instability, and social inequity in Northern California.

North Bay Jobs with Justice Nonprofit Santa Rosa Sonoma Website

North Bay Organizing Project Nonprofit Graton Sonoma Website
Profile:  The North Bay Organizing Project (NBOP) is a grassroots, multi-racial, and multi-issue organization comprised of over twenty-two faith, environmental, labor, student and community-based organizations in Sonoma County. NBOP seeks to build a regional power organization rooted in working class and minority communities in the North Bay: Uniting ...

Oakland Bureau of Facilities and Environment City Government Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  The Environmental Services Division serves to protect Oakland's natural resources and the health of our community through waste reduction, energy efficiency, pollution prevention, environmental clean-up and promotion of sustainability.

Oakland Climate Action Coaliiton Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  The Oakland Climate Action Coalition Adaptation & Resilience To create institutions and infrastructure that build resilience among communities that stand to be most affected by climate change impacts.

Oakland Housing Authority Commission/Authority Oakland Alameda Website

Occidental Arts & Ecology Center Nonprofit Occidental Sonoma Website

OAEC trains and supports “whole communities” — schools, public agencies, Native American tribes, urban social justice organizations, watershed groups and others — to design and cultivate resilience to mounting ecological, social and economic challenges.

OhmConnect Business/Corporation San Francisco San Francisco Website

At OhmConnect, we acknowledge the systemic inequity faced by low-income families and people of color and recognize that these communities are often most impacted by climate change, despite having done the least to create it. Furthermore, these communities are underrepresented in the energy and consumer technology sectors in which OhmConnect operates.

In service of our mission to improve the lives of people and the health of the planet, we created OhmConnect's Equity, Access, and Outreach (EA&O) Committee to research, design, and enact initiatives to help combat systemic inequity, both in our workforce and in the communities we serve.

One Concern Business/Corporation Menlo Park San Mateo Website

CEO Ahmad Wani survived being marooned during the catastrophic Kashmir flood of 2014 for seven days, wondering whether he would live or die. That was when he decided to dedicate himself to building long-term resilience to natural disasters. While at Stanford University, Ahmad met AI engineer Nicole Hu and earthquake scientist Tim Frank, and together they channeled their collective passion into figuring out how to apply data science and machine learning to some of the greatest challenges our world faces today - natural disasters and climate change.

Outdoor Afro Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  Outdoor Afro has become the nation’s leading, cutting edge network that celebrates and inspires Black connections and leadership in nature. We help people take better care of themselves, our communities, and our planet! Outdoor Afro is a national non-profit organization with leadership networks around the country. With nearly 80 leaders in 30 states from around the country, we connect thousands of people to outdoor experiences, who are changing the face of conservation. So come out in nature with us, or be a partner to help us grow our work so that we can help lead the way for inclusion in outdoor recreation, nature, and conservation for all!

Pachamama Alliance Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Welcome to the Pachamama Alliance - Building critical mass to bring forth a sustainable, just and thriving world - starting with you!

Pacific Environment Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Pacific Environment builds people power to fight climate change, defend the oceans, protect wildlife, and promote open and inclusive societies.

Pacific Forest Trust Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Pacific Forest Trust sustains America's forests for all their public benefits of wood, water, wildlife, and people's well-being.

Pacific Institute Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  The Pacific Institute envisions a world in which society, the economy, and the environment have the water they need to thrive now and in the future.

Palo Alto Office of Sustainability City Government Palo Alto San Mateo Website

Peninsula Food Runners Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The mission of Peninsula Food Runners is to alleviate hunger and minimize food waste on the Peninsula and in the Silicon Valley area. Everyday, Peninsula Food Runners relays a wide variety of wonderfully prepared and non-prepared food to community food support organizations in both San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties.

Pennisula Clean Energy Nonprofit Redwood City San Mateo Website
Profile:  Peninsula Clean Energy was launched collaboratively by the County of San Mateo and all twenty of its cities. Our goal is to provide electricity that is 100% greenhouse gas free by 2021 and 100% renewable on a 24/7 basis by 2025.

People Organizing to Defend Environmental and Economic Rights PODER Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  PODER’s mission is to organize with Latino immigrant families and youth to put into practice people-powered solutions that are locally based, community led and environmentally just. We nurture everyday people’s leadership, regenerate culture, and build community power.

PODER’s vision is a society where everyday people can shape their neighborhoods and economies. We organize with Latinx immigrant families, along with along with black, indigenous and other low-income communities of color, to cultivate community rooted solutions. These solutions create a society where immigrants have the rights to social, racial, economic, and environmental justice and these are central to the world in which we live. PODER models that “another world is possible”. We imagine a local just transition with community stewardship of community land and resources, a solidarity economy, and self-governance rooted in Latinx ancestral land-based cultures and wisdom.

Peralta Federation of Teachers - AFT Local 1603 Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  PICA members belong to about 15 congregations, and we work to reduce GHGs from our facilities, educate our members & the general populations, and support legislation to protect Erth's climate.

PG&E Business/Corporation San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Pacific Gas and Electric Company provides natural gas and electric service to approximately 16 million people throughout a 70,000-square mile service area in northern and central California.

Piedmont Connect Nonprofit Piedmont Alameda Website
Profile:  Piedmont Connect is a collaborative organization and community network supporting citizen initiatives and city efforts to build a more sustainable future.

Pisces Foundation Foundation San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Our mission is to advance strategic solutions to natural resource challenges and prepare the next generation by supporting environmental learning. We collaborate, innovate, and work respectfully in our community.

Point Blue Conservation Science Nonprofit Petaluma Sonoma Website
Profile:  Point Blue is advancing nature-based, conservation science based solutions to climate change, habitat loss, and other environmental threats for wildlife and people, through science, partnerships, and outreach.

PolicyLink Nonprofit Oakland Alameda

Pollinator Partnership Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The Pollinator Partnership is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and the largest in the world dedicated exclusively to the protection and promotion of ...

Port of Oakland Commission/Authority Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  The gateway to US commerce, the Port is located on the Oakland waterfront and is host to Oakland's tourism, estuaries and waterfront parks, as well as, maritime activity, real estate and aviation. The city of Oakland is fast becoming a hot Bay Area vacation destination.

Port of San Francisco Commission/Authority San Francisco San Francisco Website

Power Shift Network Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The Power Shift Network mobilizes the collective power of young people to mitigate climate change and create a just, clean energy future and resilient, thriving communities for all.

Project Drawdown Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Project Drawdown Research Team Drawdown research fellows represent countries and universities from around the world. Their scholarly expertise is the foundation of our rigorous research.

Protect the Bay Coalition Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Formed in 2019, our coalition is determined to prevent the expansion of the Phillips 66 refinery and marine terminal in Rodeo that would allow it to import toxic crude oils like tar sands from Canada. We’re going to keep turning people out in force at critical decision points with phone calls, emails, and conversations at people’s doors to ensure regulators and politicians do the right thing and block this project.
Profile:  Our coalition is composed of groups and people from a variety of background all focused on one goal— keeping the Bay safe.

Pt Molate Alliance Nonprofit Richmond Contra Costa Website
Profile:  The Point Molate Alliance (PMA) is a diverse coalition of Richmond residents and supporters ?? many of whom played a crucial role in defeating plans for a ...

Public Health Institute Nonprofit Oakland Alameda

Quaker Earthcare Witness Religious/Faith-based Org. Albany Alameda Website
Profile:  Quaker Earthcare Witness is a network of North American Friends (Quakers) and other like-minded people who are taking spirit-led action to address the ecological and social crises of the world, emphasizing Quaker process and testimonies.

Rainforest Action Network Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Rainforest Action Network preserves forests, protects the climate and upholds human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns.

Real Food Media Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  We use media and storytelling strategies to strengthen the food movement by decoding corporate spin, revealing the true cost of industrial food, and showing how, together, we can transform the food system.

Recurve Business/Corporation Mill Valley Marin Website
Mission:  Recurve’s mission is to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy by integrating behind the meter demand flexibility resources into the emerging carbon-free energy grid.
Profile:  The Recurve platform implements the CalTRACK methods via the open source OpenEEmeter to support transparent market transactions for distributed energy resources, and is supported by one of the largest open source foundations in the world.

Regional Asthma Management and Prevention Program Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  RAMP’s mission is to reduce the burden of asthma with a focus on health equity. Emphasizing both prevention and management, we build capacity, create linkages, and mobilize networks to advocate for policy and systems changes targeting the root causes of asthma disparities.

RAMP’s mission is to reduce the burden of asthma with a focus on health equity. Emphasizing both prevention and management, we build capacity, create linkages, and mobilize networks to advocate for policy and systems changes targeting the root causes of asthma disparities.

Regional Climate Protection Authority Commission/Authority Santa Rosa Sonoma Website
Profile:  The Regional Climate Protection Authority, RCPA, was formed in 2009 to coordinate countywide climate protection efforts among Sonoma County's nine cities and multiple agencies. The RCPA fosters collaboration, helps to set goals, pools resources, formalizes partnerships, and works across silos.

Regional Parks Foundation EBRPD Foundation Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  The Regional Parks Foundation supports the East Bay Regional Park District through fundraising to provide universal access, environmental stewardship, educational and recreational programs and the acquisition of parklands.
Profile:  The Regional Parks Foundation supports the East Bay Regional Park District through fundraising to provide universal access, environmental stewardship, educational and recreational programs and the acquisition of parklands.

ReScape California Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  ReScape California is an advocate and expert in the creation of renewable landscapes throughout our beautiful state.

Resilient Communities Initiative Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The Resilient Communities Initiative (RCI) is a coalition of social equity organizations bringing community leadership to climate adaptation and resilience ...

Resilient Neighborhoods Nonprofit San Rafael Marin Website

Restore Hetch Hetchy Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  The mission of Restore Hetch Hetchy is to restore the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park to its natural splendor - while continuing to meet the water and power needs of all communities that depend on the Tuolumne River.

Rodeo Citizens Association Nonprofit Rodeo Contra Costa Website

San Anselmo Sustainability Commission Commission/Authority San Anselmo Marin Website

San Francisco Bay Climate Restoration Circle Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The SF Bay Area Climate Restoration Circle was established in 2018 by a group of passionate climate activists. Our mission is to transform the San Francisco Bay Area to a climate-restoring region by 2030.

San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission Commission/Authority San Francisco San Francisco Website

San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority is a regional agency created to fund shoreline projects that will protect, restore, and enhance San Francisco Bay through the allocation of funds raised by the Measure AA parcel tax.
Profile:  The Restoration Authority was created by the California Legislature in 2008 to find solutions to the need for new, local funding, due to reduced funding from other sources. Its enabling legislation gives the Restoration Authority the unique capacity to raise funds from local sources throughout the Bay Area and the oversight capacity to ensure transparency and prevent waste. Its purpose is restoration, not regulation. The Restoration Authority does not duplicate the missions of other public agencies and private organizations working on Bay restoration; it is designed to deliver essential local funding to restoration projects developed by others.

San Francisco Baykeeper Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  San Francisco Baykeeper is a nonprofit environmental advocacy organization that works to protect, preserve, and enhance the health of the ecosystems and communities that depend upon the San Francisco Bay. Since 1989, Baykeeper has stood guard over the waters of the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary and its watershed.

San Francisco Bernicrats Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The San Francisco Berniecrats were formed with the aim of channeling the energy and dedication that surfaced from the Democratic Presidential Primaries into local politics in an organized, democratic manner. We held our first two meetings in July and August 2016 to vote on our name and bylaws.

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website

San Francisco Clean City Coalition Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The San Francisco Clean City Coalition is a non-profit organization established in 1991 to focus on cleaning, greening and beautifying the City of San Francisco.
Profile:  OBJECTIVES To encourage people to maintain, improve, and take ownership of their neighborhoods To provide transitional and on-going employment opportunities for community improvement activities To prioritize the training and employment of low-income people through our work in San Francisco neighborhoods To promote leadership for beautification, long-term maintenance and environmentally supportive efforts in San Francisco To provide community education and resources

San Francisco Climate Emergency Coalition Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website

San Francisco Community Power Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco

San Francisco County County Government San Francisco San Francisco Website

San Francisco Department of Environment County Government San Francisco San Francisco Website

San Francisco Dept of Environment/Climate Program County Government San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  SF Environment provides free award-winning programs and curriculum to all K-12 public and private schools in San Francisco. We reach 20,000 students annually throughout San Francisco. Teaching Materials We provide a variety of resources and teaching materials that support California State Standards.

San Francisco Dept of Public Works County Government San Francisco San Francisco Website

San Francisco Estuary Institute SFEI Nonprofit Richmond Contra Costa Website
Profile:  The San Francisco Estuary Institute comprises over sixty scientists, technologists, and designers who offer a wide range of expertise. Each team member, in her or his own way, helps to define environmental problems, advance public debate about them through sound science, and support consensus-based solutions that improve environmental planning ...

San Francisco Estuary Partnership Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The San Francisco Estuary Partnership is a collaborative regional program of resource agencies, non-profits, citizens, and scientists working to protect, restore, and enhance water quality and fish and wildlife habitat in and around the San Francisco Bay Delta Estuary. The San Francisco Estuary Institute comprises over sixty scientists, technologists, and designers who offer a wide range of expertise. Each team member, in her or his own way, helps to define environmental problems, advance public debate about them through sound science, and support consensus-based solutions that improve environmental planning ...

San Francisco Foundation Foundation San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  A Bay Area Where Everyone Thrives Working with donors, grantees, civic leaders, and policymakers, we are focused on ensuring that everyone in the Bay Area has a chance to become financially stable, to live in a safe and affordable home, and to exercise their political voice.

San Francisco Green Film Festival Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The longest-running film festival in the Americas, the San Francisco International Film Festival is an extraordinary showcase of cinematic discovery and a major cultural event in the Bay Area.

San Francisco Labor Council Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website

San Francisco Nature Education Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  San Francisco Nature Education provides interactive environmental education programs that develop leadership and stewardship in youth and adults. Our school programs, Science and Nature for Underserved Youth, focus on providing educational enrichment to students from underserved communities.

San Francisco Office of Climate & Health City Government San Francisco San Francisco Website

San Francisco Office of Environment City Government San Francisco San Francisco Website

San Francisco Office of Resilience and Capital Planning City Government San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The Office of Resilience and Capital Planning is dedicated to creating a strong, sustainable, and resilient San Francisco for generations to come. ONESF, managed by ORCP, is the City's cross-agency branding for all major capital improvement projects.

San Francisco Parks Alliance Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The San Francisco Parks Alliance champions, transforms and activates parks and public spaces throughout the City.

San Francisco Rising Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  San Francisco Rising builds the political power of working-class communities and communities of color in San Francisco to lead the way for democratic governance that prioritizes racial, economic and environmental justice.

San Francisco State University Academic: K-12 School San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Official site of San Francisco State University, a public urban university with a conscience located in one of the world's most vibrant and beautiful cities. Begin your college search here for world-class undergraduate study, graduate study, scholarly research and community service learning.

San Francisco Unitarian Universalist Church - Environmental Justice - Green Committee Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  In 2015, the Green Committee organized the congregation's first annual Climate Justice Month, as part of a larger Unitarian Universalist commitment to respond to global warming. Climate Justice Month runs from March 22nd, World Water Day, to April 22nd, Earth Day - a time to learn, reflect, and act on climate change and other pressing environmental concerns.

San Jose State University Office of Sustainability Academic: College/University San Jose Santa Clara Website

San Mateo County County Government San Mateo San Mateo Website

Santa Clara County County Government Santa Clara Santa Clara Website

Santa Clara County - Sustainability County Government Santa Clara Santa Clara Website

Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society Nonprofit Cupertino Santa Clara Website

Saratoga Sustainability City Government Saratoga Santa Clara Website
Profile:  Sustainable Saratoga uses education, advocacy, and action to advance sustainable practices and protect natural resources for the benefit of current and future generations.

Save the Bay Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Save The Bay is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving San Francisco Bay and its related estuarine habitat areas. Founded by Catherine Kerr, Sylvia McLaughlin, and Esther Gulick in 1961, the organization grew into a body that not only achieved its namesake but also inspired analogous organizations dedicated to other environmental and other political causes. The organization continues to fight to protect the bay from development and landfill and to oppose redevelopment of salt flats; it instead encourages their restoration to a natural state.

Save the Redwoods League Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Save the Redwoods League envisions vibrant redwood forests of the scale and grandeur that once graced the California coast and the Sierra Nevada, protected forever, restored to grow old again, and connected to people through a network of magnificent parks and protected areas that inspire all of us with the beauty and power of nature.

Schools for Climate Action Nonprofit Santa Rosa Sonoma Website
Profile:  We are a non-partisan, grassroots, youth-adult campaign with a mission to empower schools to speak up for climate action. We advocate for elected officials to combat the climate crisis in order to protect current and future generations.

Seacology Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  Seacology is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization headquartered in Berkeley, California, that works to preserve island ecosystems and cultures around the world.

Sebastopol Climate Action Nonprofit Sebastopol Sonoma Website

SF Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility PSR - SF Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website

Shore Up Marin Nonprofit San Rafael Marin Website
Profile:  Shore Up Marin is a multi-racial environmental coalition advocating for equitable inclusion of low-income communities in planning and community preparedness.

Sierra Club Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The Sierra Club is an environmental organization in the United States. It was founded on May 28, 1892, in San Francisco, California, by the Scottish-American preservationist John Muir, who became its first president. The Sierra Club primarily operates in the United States; an affiliated organization, Sierra Club Canada, operates in Canada and deals exclusively with Canadian issues.

Sierra Club - Redwood Chapter Nonprofit Santa Rosa Sonoma Website

Sierra Club - San Francisco Bay Chapter Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website

Silicon Valley Clean Energy Business/Corporation Sunnyvale Santa Clara Website
Profile:  SVCE works in partnership with PG&E. We buy clean electricity direct from the source encouraging the kind of market growth and competition that results in more renewable energy sources and lower energy generation rates. PG&E delivers the electricity over existing power lines, continues to maintain the lines and provide billing and customer ...

Silicon Valley Community Foundation Foundation Mountain View Santa Clara Website

Silicon Valley Leadership Group SVLG Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website

Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website
Profile:  The Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition (SVTC) believes that we still have time to ensure that the PV sector is safe for the environment, workers, and communities. SVTC envisions a safe and sustainable solar PV industry that:

Silvestrum Climate Associates Business/Corporation San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Silvestrum is a small woman-owned business focused on increasing local, regional, and global climate change resilience through climate mitigation, climate adaptation, policy development, restoration, and education.

Society of Fearless Grandmothers Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The Society of Fearless Grandmothers is composed of older, grandmother age women who have decades of experience in community organizing, conducting nonviolent civil disobedience and risking arrest. We are calm, peaceful, loving, courageous older women who understand that the time to stand up for current and future generations is now. We offer trainings in organizing, nonviolent direct actions, training police liaisons, and what it means to risk arrest, among other skills related to nonviolent peoples movements at this critical time. We are an offshoot of a group of Indigenous grandmothers who founded Idle No More SF Bay, a group of Indigenous people and allies voluntarily working for clean air, water, soil and a safe, survivable world in perpetuity.

Solar Action Alliance Nonprofit Rohnert Park Sonoma Website
Profile:  Solar Action Alliance is a group of environmentalists who want to spread the word about the most clean, reliable, and abundant source of renewable energy: the sun.

Sonoma Clean Power SCP Utility Santa Rosa Sonoma Website
Profile:  We're working to solve climate change. From providing clean energy to pilot programs for energy saving technologies, we've got options that make a difference in your life. Discover the latest trend in energy efficient cooking. Helping you rebuild an efficient, sustainable home. Understand energy and water usage.

Sonoma County Conservation Action SCCA Nonprofit Santa Rosa Sonoma Website
Profile:  Advance our quality of life and protect the beauty and natural resources of Sonoma County for all generations through grassroots political action and education. Through education and grassroots organizing, Conservation Action engages with the public on environmental issues and policies that affect Sonoma County, influencing the way our area will be shaped for years to come.

Sonoma County Regional Climate Protection Authority Commission/Authority Santa Rosa Sonoma Website
Profile:  The Regional Climate Protection Authority, RCPA, was formed in 2009 to coordinate countywide climate protection efforts among Sonoma County's nine cities and multiple agencies. The RCPA fosters collaboration, helps to set goals, pools resources, formalizes partnerships, and works across silos.

Sonoma Ecology Center Nonprofit Eldridge Sonoma Website
Profile:  Sonoma Ecology Center focuses on projects in Sonoma Valley, including the communities of Sonoma, Glen Ellen, Kenwood, Boyes Hot Springs, and Eldridge. We collaborate on projects throughout Sonoma County and beyond. Physical Address & Directions. We are located on the campus of the former Sonoma Developmental Center (SDC), in Eldridge near Glen ...

Sonoma State University Academic: College/University Rohnert Park Sonoma Website

Sonoma Valley Climate Coalition Nonprofit Sonoma Sonoma Website

Sonoma Valley Collaborative Nonprofit Sonoma Sonoma Website
Mission:  Sonoma Valley Collaborative (formerly Sustainable Sonoma) is a forum of community leaders from a wide range of sectors across Sonoma Valley, finding solutions and taking action to address our community’s biggest challenges.

St. Mary's College Academic: K-12 School Moraga Contra Costa Website
Profile: Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Created by Josh Boone, Benjamin Cavell. With James Marsden, Jovan Adepo, Whoopi Goldberg, Amber Heard. After the world is in ruins, due to a man-made plague, a battle of literally Biblical proportions ensues between the survivors.

Stanford University Academic: College/University Palo Alto San Mateo Website
Profile:  Stanford University, one of the world's leading teaching and research institutions, is dedicated to finding solutions to big challenges and to preparing students for leadership in a complex world.

StopWaste Special District/Government Oakland Alameda Website

Strategic Economics Business/Corporation Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  We conduct economic analyses to help create sustainable places for people to live and work.

Strategic Economics, Inc. is a nationally recognized urban economics consulting firm. We provide governmental entities, developers, community groups, and non-profit organizations with the economic analyses and strategic approaches necessary to create sustainable, high-quality places for people to live and work.

Sunflower Alliance Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  The Sunflower Alliance is committed to environmental justice and the health and safety of all Bay Area communities threatened by toxic pollution and climate change. We are fighting against the poisoning of our communities and the destruction of our planet, and for an equitable and sustainable economy fueled by renewable energy sources—wind, water and solar.
Profile:  We seek an end to the ruinous extractive economy and its replacement with a life-sustaining system that meets people’s real needs and nurtures the planet we live on. On August 3rd, 2013, to mark the first anniversary of the 2012 explosion and fire that sent thousands of Chevron’s neighbors to local hospitals, 3,000 supporters marched on the Chevron refinery in Richmond, California. Over 200 of us were arrested at the refinery gates. Now we are engaged in a broader effort to halt Big Oil’s plans to expand the refining of dirty oil in the East Bay and the transport of dirty and dangerous fossil fuels through our communities. Through years of allied efforts with 350 Bay Area, we have engaged in campaigns for Fossil Fuel Resistance and a Just Transition away from a fossil fuel-based economy, for workers and communities alike. We provide the backbone for networks such as Protect the Bay, the Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force, the BAAQMD Network (Bay Area Air Quality Management District), No Coal in Richmond, and many other Bay Area campaigns against fossil fuel expansion and environmental injustice.

Sunnyvale Cool Nonprofit Sunnyvale Santa Clara Website

Sunrise Movement Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Sunrise is a movement of young people fighting to stop the climate crisis.

Sunrise is a movement of young people fighting to stop the climate crisis.

Sunrise Movement - Bay Area Hub Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Sunrise is a movement of young people fighting to stop the climate crisis.

Sunrise Movement - Contra Costa Hub Nonprofit Danville Contra Costa Website
Profile:  Sunrise is a movement of young people fighting to stop the climate crisis.

Sunrise Movement - East Bay Hub Nonprofit Hayward Alameda

Sunrise Movement - Marin Hub Nonprofit Fairfax Marin Website
Profile:  Sunrise Hubs Hubs do the most important work of the movement: growing participation, elevating the urgency of climate change and challenging to win political power.

Sunrise Movement - Mills College Hub Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website

Sunrise Movement - Mountain View HS HUb Nonprofit Mountain View San Mateo

Sunrise Movement - Palo Alto Hub Nonprofit Palo Alto San Mateo Website

Sunrise Movement - Salinas Hub Nonprofit Salinas Monterey Website

Sunrise Movement - San Francisco Hub Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Sunrise is a movement of young people fighting to stop the climate crisis.

Sunrise Movement - San Jose Hub Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website
Profile:  Sunrise is a movement of young people fighting to stop the climate crisis.

Sunrise Movement - San Ramon Hub Nonprofit San Ramon Contra Costa Website

Sunrise Movement - Santa Clara University Hub Nonprofit Santa Clara Santa Clara Website

Sunrise Movement - Santa Cruz Hub Nonprofit Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Website

Sunrise Movement - Sonoma Hub Nonprofit Santa Rosa Sonoma Website
Profile:  Sunrise is a movement of young people fighting to stop the climate crisis.

Sunrise Movement - Stanford University Hub Nonprofit Palo Alto San Mateo

Sustainable Bay Area Network Network / Association / Coalition Walnut Creek Contra Costa Website
Profile:  The Sustainable Bay Area Network is a casual association of sustainable community organizations around the San Francisco Bay Area. These organizations are communities of citizens, educators, innovators, and organizations designing and building pathways to ecologically sustainable, economically vibrant, and socially just communities for all.

Sustainable Berkeley Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website

Sustainable Berkeley Lab Academic: K-12 School Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  Sustainability is a core Berkeley value. Named one of the greenest universities! Background image: hero sized north side of campus landscape. Sustainability at Cal. See what pedals we are pushing. Zero is the Hero. Getting to Zero Waste. Aspire. Make change with CACS. Just Say renewables.

Sustainable Big Sur Nonprofit Big Sur Monterey Website

Sustainable Carmel Nonprofit Carmel-by-the-Sea Monterey Website

Sustainable Cities Initiative Academic: K-12 School San Jose Santa Clara Website
Profile:  Sustainable Cities Institute (SCI) focuses on sustainability and cities through applied research, teaching, and community partnerships.

Sustainable Contra Costa Nonprofit Walnut Creek Contra Costa Website
Profile:  Sustainable Contra Costa ?? inspiring sustainable living and regenerative, connected communities. We are citizens, educators, innovators, and organizations working together for ecologically sustainable, economically vibrant, and socially just communities for all.

Sustainable Danville Area Nonprofit Danville Contra Costa Website

Sustainable Del Rey Oaks Nonprofit Del Rey Oaks Monterey Website
Profile:  Sustainable Del Rey Oaks was launched in 2019 as the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Sustainability with some dedicated residents who were interested in creating a more sustainable future by fostering environmental and community-building initiatives for the health, safety, and resilience of our residents, city, and region.

Sustainable Economies Law Center Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  Mission: Sustainable Economies Law Center cultivates a new legal landscape that supports community resilience and grassroots economic empowerment. We provide essential legal tools - education, research, advice, and advocacy - so communities everywhere can develop their own sustainable sources of food, housing, energy, jobs, and other vital aspects of a thriving community.

Sustainable Fairfax Nonprofit Fairfax Marin Website

Sustainable Lafayette Nonprofit Lafayette Contra Costa Website
Profile:  Sustainable Lafayette is a grassroots non-profit that is working to transform Lafayette into a highly sustainable community that enhances the quality of life for current and future residents.

Sustainable Marin Nonprofit San Rafael Marin Website
Profile:  Sustainable Marin is a non-profit organization of volunteers who advocate and educate about sustainability at the County level in Marin. Photo by Peter Oppenheimer Photo by Peter Oppenheimer Sustainable Marin promotes policies and practices

Sustainable Marina Nonprofit Marina Monterey Website
Profile:  Our mission: To meet the challenge of declining resources and climate change by helping our communities transition to sustainable practices. Our Goals: Provide educational opportunities for the communityServe as a resource for information on environmental sustainabilityWork with the City of Marina and other partners on ...

Sustainable Mill Valley Nonprofit Mill Valley Marin Website
Profile:  The Climate Emergency Resolution, or CER, is a multi-organizational project with the goal of a Climate Emergency Resolution in each city in Marin County, including Mill Valley.

Sustainable Monterey Nonprofit Monterey Monterey Website

Sustainable Moraga Nonprofit Moraga Contra Costa Website

Sustainable Napa County Nonprofit Napa Napa Website
Profile:  Sustainable Napa County (SNC) actively engages the community in issues related to energy exploring opportunities and finding practical solutions to our challenges. SNC believes that together we can make our economy stronger, our environment healthier, and our communities more connected.

Sustainable North Bay Nonprofit Santa Rosa Sonoma Website

Sustainable Novato Nonprofit Novato Marin Website
Profile:  Each one of us has the power to make changes in our daily lives that will have a positive impact on our environment and prevent damage to the climate.

Sustainable Oakland Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  Oakland is consistently recognized as one of the most livable and sustainable cities in the nation. The City of Oakland is committed to leading the community's progress in becoming a more sustainable city ?? a community in which all people have the opportunity to pursue safe, happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives, now and into the future.

Sustainable Ocean Alliance Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Sustainable Ocean Alliance (SOA) is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California that develops leaders, cultivates ideas, and accelerates solutions in the field of ocean health and sustainability.

Sustainable Pacific Grove Nonprofit Pacific Grove Monterey Website
Profile:  The Pacific Grove Community Garden is a collaboration between Sustainable Pacific Grove and the Pacific Grove Adult School. Our community of gardeners come together to share ideas, experiences and the love of gardening and growing our own food in an organic environment.

Sustainable Petaluma Nonprofit Petaluma Sonoma Website
Profile:  Petaluma businesses, residents and the City of Petaluma all value and strive for Sustainability, not only in environmental areas but also with financial responsibilities. In our business community, companies like Enphase, Hydropoint Data and Katadyne provide elegant yet sustainable solutions to global challenges around energy, water and pollution.

Sustainable Redwood City Nonprofit Redwood City San Mateo Website

Sustainable Rossmoor Nonprofit Walnut Creek Contra Costa Website
Profile:  We will propose and carry out a variety of activities intended to advance sustainable practices of all kinds, including, but not limited to, increased reliance on renewable sources of energy, water and energy conservation, sustainable landscaping, and recycling. In pursuit of our mission, we, the members of the Sustainable Rossmoor Club, believe:

Sustainable Salinas Nonprofit Salinas Monterey Website
Profile:  Sustainable Salinas is a volunteer group of Salinas residents of different ages, backgrounds, and interests, working towards a more environmentally conscious and socially equitable city of Salinas, through community education and action in collaboration with other like-minded groups.

Sustainable San Jose Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website
Profile:  We act to mobilize San Jose neighborhoods to live more sustainably and lessen the impacts of climate disruption, which we are experiencing locally. We practice community resilience and better stewardship of our local environment through community activities, coalition-building and political action.

Sustainable San Leandro Nonprofit San Leandro Alameda Website
Profile:  Sustainable San Leandro Sustainable San Ramon The Sustainable Bay Area Network (SBAN) is a casual association of sustainable community?? organizations around the San Francisco Bay Area.

Sustainable San Mateo County Nonprofit San Mateo San Mateo Website

Sustainable San Rafael Nonprofit San Rafael Marin Website
Profile:  Sustainable San Rafael is one of a network of community-based, all-volunteer advocacy groups. We coordinate through Sustainable Marin, our county-wide information exchange.

Sustainable San Ramon Nonprofit San Ramon Contra Costa Website

Sustainable Seaside Nonprofit Seaside Monterey Website

Sustainable Silicon Valley Nonprofit Santa Clara Santa Clara Website

Sustainable Silicon Valley is a non-profit think & do tank focused on sustainability, water reuse, air quality, and equity in a decarbonizing Bay Area. About. Originally founded in 2000 as part of a CalEPA, Sustainable Silicon Valley spun out as a carbon registry and in 2004 became a non-profit.

Sustainable Solano County Nonprofit Benicia Solano Website
Profile:  What does Sustainable Solano do? We are a grassroots, countywide movement uniting people through work that aims to serve the future of Solano County, to promote ecologically sustainable, economically and socially just communities in a world that works for everyone.

Sustainable Walnut Creek Nonprofit Walnut Creek Contra Costa Website
Profile:  Sustainable Walnut Creek A small group of concerned Walnut Creek residents and community leaders will host, along with local and National Sustainable Organizations, and the City of Walnut Creek in Demanding Change!. We will be all marching or riding in Electric Vehicles as part of the Electric Caravan?? in this year's Twilight Parade, (Saturday, September 14), in Walnut Creek.

SV@Home Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website
Mission:  Driving the creation of affordable housing for a more vibrant and equitable Silicon Valley
Profile:  SV@Home is the voice for affordable housing in the Silicon Valley. A membership organization, SV@Home advocates for policies, programs, land use, and funding that lead to an increased supply of affordable housing. Additionally, SV@Home educates elected officials and the community about the need for housing, and the link between housing and other quality of life outcomes, including education, health, transportation, and the environment.

The Bay Institute Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The Bay Institute is the science, research, environmental policy, and advocacy arm of the Bay Ecotarium. Working in centers of political and economic power, from Sacramento to Los Angeles to Washington DC, the Bay Institute advocates for the environmental, water management, and economic policies necessary to ensure the health of the greater San Francisco Bay.
Profile:  To understand and preserve this vital natural resource, in 1981 the Bay Institute pioneered an innovative approach to understanding the Bay’s health that examined the entire Bay-Delta estuary and watershed as a single, interdependent ecosystem. To understand the Bay dynamics and to undertake actions to restore the watershed and benefit the Bay, it’s important to recognize that events in the farthest reaches of the watershed impact the Bay just as profoundly as events occurring along the Bay shoreline. Today, this holistic approach is accepted as conventional wisdom. Also widely recognized is the current unhealthy water quality of the Bay and its watershed which places the Bay’s unique animals and habitats in jeopardy. The Bay Institute is dedicated to using a combination of scientific research, political advocacy, and public education to restore the entire San Francisco Bay watershed that drains from inland waterways to San Francisco Bay and on to the open ocean.

The Climate Center Nonprofit Santa Rosa Sonoma Website

The Cultural Conservancy Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Our Mission is to protect and restore Indigenous cultures, empowering them in the direct application of traditional knowledge and practices on their ancestral lands.

We are The Cultural Conservancy, a Native-led organization founded in 1985. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, our headquarters is on unceded Ohlone land and our land base in the sovereign territories of Coast Miwok and Southern Pomo peoples.

We work with Indigenous communities throughout Turtle Island and Abya Yala (the Americas) and Moananuiākea (the Pacific).

The Greenlining Institute Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  The Greenlining Institute is a multiethnic advocacy, research, leadership development and public policy forming organization. The organization works to empower low-income group individuals in California and improve the quality of life for communities. It operates the Greenlining Academy, which was founded in 1996 and offers a range of ...

The Institute for Bird Populations Nonprofit Point Reyes Station Marin Website
Profile:  The Institute for Bird Populations (IBP), based in Marin County, California, is a non-profit organization dedicated to studying and monitoring bird populations, and providing land managers and policy makers with information needed to better manage those populations.

The Marine Mammal Center Nonprofit Sausalito Marin Website
Profile:  The Marine Mammal Center is a private, non-profit U.S. organization that was established in 1975 for the purpose of rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing marine mammals who are injured, ill or abandoned. It was founded in Sausalito, California by Lloyd Smalley, Pat Arrigoni and Paul Maxwell. Since 1975, The Marine Mammal Center (TMMC) has rescued over 20,000 marine mammals. It also serves as a center for environmental research and education regarding marine mammals, namely cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises), pinnipeds (seals, fur seals, walruses and sea lions), otters and sirenians (manatees and dugongs). Marine mammal abandonment refers to maternal separation; pups that have been separated from their mother before weaning.

The Nature Conservancy of California Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Learn about nature conservation in California, including environmental issues and resources from The Nature Conservancy. Let's build a world where human ingenuity is aligned to support nature to do what it does best - sustaining all life on Earth.

The Praxis Group Nonprofit Martinez Contra Costa Website

The Redford Center Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  At The Redford Center, we seek to greatly expand public participation, equity, and authentic representation in the environmental movement through content creation, artist support, and community engagement.

Co-founded in 2005 by Robert Redford and his son James Redford, The Redford Center uses the power of storytelling to galvanize environmental justice and regeneration. Our cross-cutting programs support environmental storytellers and invest in impact-driven narrative strategies. By amplifying and changing the conversations around environmentalism, we aim to engage a much broader and more diverse population in the movement.

Over the years, The Redford Center has produced three award-winning feature documentaries and over 30 short films, supported 85+ film and media projects with grants and other services, inspired over 400 student films, and dispersed nearly  million to our fiscally sponsored projects. Our films activate real change – we have engaged millions of viewers across all 50 states and 45 countries, inspiring hope and generating demand for a world where human and planetary health are fundamental values driving action. Our impact campaigns have halted the construction of dirty coal plants, reconnected the Colorado River to the Sea of Cortez, and helped accelerate the clean energy revolution in America.

The Regeneration Project Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The Regeneration Project is an interfaith ministry devoted to deepening the connection between ecology and faith. Our goal is to help people of faith recognize and fulfill their responsibility for the stewardship of creation. We do this through educational programs for clergy and congregations that achieve tangible environmental results and impact public policy. The word “regeneration” has personal, biological and institutional significance. It is the process of spiritual, moral and ecological renewal. We seek to make a practical link between spiritual and ecological health. TRP envisions that people of faith will serve as the foundation for a national movement that addresses ecological issues from theological roots. Our purpose, therefore, is to expand and deepen this link between religious faith and action, particularly in regards to environmental protection.

The Rose Foundation Foundation Oakland Alameda Website

The Utility Reform Network TURN Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  TURN champions the cleanest energy and highest quality phone service at the lowest prices possible for residential customers, low-income households, and small businesses through legal advocacy at the California Public Utilities Commission, state and federal policy development, and community organizing throughout California.
Profile:  For more than 40 years we have challenged California’s powerful energy and telephone companies, saving consumers and small businesses millions, standing up for vulnerable Californians, and demanding reliable service and livable communities.

The Vote Solar Initiative Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  Our mission is to make solar a mainstream energy resource across the U.S. Since 2002, Vote Solar has been working to lower solar costs and expand solar access. A 501(c)3 non-profit organization, Vote Solar advocates for state policies and programs needed to repower our electric grid with clean energy.

The Watershed Project Nonprofit Richmond Contra Costa Website
Mission:  To inspire Bay Area communities to understand, appreciate and protect our local watersheds."
Profile:  The Watershed Project's mission is to inspire Bay Area communities to understand, appreciate, and protect our local watersheds.

TransForm Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  TransForm promotes walkable communities with excellent transportation choices to connect people of all incomes to opportunity, make California affordable, and help solve our climate crisis. With diverse partners we engage communities in planning, run innovative programs and win policy change at the local, regional and state levels.
Profile:  At TransForm, we believe that all Californians should be able to live in healthy, connected communities with great options to get where we need to go.

Transition Berkeley Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  Transition Berkeley brings neighbors and community members together to build a more equitable, sustainable, self-reliant future for Berkeley. We envision a strong, diverse local economy, with greatly reduced dependence on fossil fuels, and a healthy, cooperative, rewarding community life.

U.S. Green Building Council-Redwood Empire Chapter Nonprofit Sebastopol Sonoma Website
Profile:  US Green Building Council Redwood Empire is a volunteer-based 501©(3) nonprofit organization. Our vision and mission is to improve the quality of life by transforming the design, composition, and operation of the places where we live, learn, work, and play within the short space of a generation.

UC Berkeley UCB Academic: K-12 School Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  From a group of academic pioneers in 1868 to the Free Speech Movement in 1964, Berkeley is a place where the brightest minds from across the globe come together to explore, ask questions and improve the world.

UC Berkeley Sustainability Office Academic: K-12 School Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  The Office of Sustainability has been tracking and reporting progress made toward our sustainability and environmental goals. Numerous documents, programs, guides, and reports inform campus sustainability planning and the implementation of related projects and programs at Berkeley.

UC San Francisco Sustainability Officer Academic: K-12 School San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  UC San Francisco has a robust sustainability program covering sustainability activities across the entire campus and medical center. Formal and grassroot efforts are happening in many areas of the organization.

United Nations Association - East Bay Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  We are the East Bay Chapter of the United Nations Association. Our organization is dedicated to educating, inspiring and mobilizing Americans to support the principles and vital work of the United Nations.

United Nations Association - Marin Nonprofit San Rafael Marin Website

United Nations Association - Midpeninsula Chapter Nonprofit Palo Alto Santa Clara Website
Profile:  The United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA) is a movement of Americans who believe that our interests and values can best be advanced by standing with the planet's only truly universal institution: The United Nations.

United Nations Association - Silicon Valley Nonprofit Santa Clara Santa Clara Website

United Religions Initiative URI Religious/Faith-based Org. San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  URI envisions a world at peace, sustained by engaged and interconnected communities committed to respect for diversity, nonviolent resolution of conflict and social, political, economic and environmental justice.
Profile:  URI is a global grassroots interfaith network that cultivates peace and justice by engaging people to bridge religious and cultural differences and work together for the good of their communities and the world. We implement our mission through local and global initiatives that build the capacity of our member groups and organizations, called Cooperation Circles, to engage in community action such as conflict resolution and reconciliation, environmental sustainability, education, women’s and youth programs, and advocacy for human rights.

University of California System Academic: K-12 School Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  The University of California opened its doors in 1869 with just 10 faculty members and 38 students. Today, the UC system includes more than 280,000 students and more than 227,000 faculty and staff, with 2.0 million alumni living and working around the world.

University of California, Office of the President Academic: K-12 School Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  The University of California is preeminent in educating the state's young people, in enhancing research and scholarship in every discipline, in fostering economic growth, medicine, the arts, its athletic and other programs. Simply put, UC is the gold standard. Together, we must ensure that this standard is upheld.??

University Professional & Technical Employees, CWA 9119 UPTE Union Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  University Professional and Technical Employees, CWA 9119, is the union of technical and professional employees at the University of California. They represent over 15,000 UC workers. UPTE also represents part time faculty at College of the Sequoias, Butte College and Mount San Jacinto College. Total count of workers represented is over 16,000 workers.

Urban Creeks Council UCC Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  Urban Creeks Council is a non-profit organization based in the Bay Area, California, working to preserve, protect, and restore urban streams and their riparian habitats. Urban Creeks Council builds projects and programs that unite communities around their streams. Urban Creeks Council builds projects and programs that unite communities around their streams. We build places that increase urban aesthetics, restore wildlife habitat, and make urban communities better places to live. We empower communities to restore and protect their streams by employing volunteer power to construct and manage native riparian habitats. We help citizens learn about ecosystems and children learn how to care for plants. Through our programs, we leverage broad and effective partnerships to help cities and other agencies responsibly manage their natural resources. Our current program areas include the Livermore-Amador Valley and the lower Wildcat Creek watershed in Richmond.

Urban Displacement Project UDP Academic: College/University Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  The Urban Displacement Project (UDP) is a research and action initiative of UC Berkeley. UDP conducts community-centered, data-driven, applied research toward more equitable and inclusive futures for cities.

Urban Habitat Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  Urban Habitat works to democratize power and advance equitable policies to create a just and connected Bay Area for low-income communities and communities of color. We confront structural inequities impacting historically disenfranchised communities. Through strategic partnerships, we support increasing the power and capacity in low-income communities and communities of color.

Urban Resource Systems Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  URBAN RESOURCE SYSTEMS (URS) was created as a non-profit organization in the State of California in 1981 with the mission of assisting the development of urban self-reliance strategies in cities around the world. Our belief was that cities could become more energy efficient, resource-conserving and self reliant in producing both food and fuel to support the millions that would eventually be living in urban centers and to reduce the impact of these centers on surrounding land and more remote wilderness and habitat. Today, a majority of the world does live in cities. Our aim and practice has been and continues to be one of developing and supporting projects that involve the community as stewards and advocates for creating healthier urban ecosystems. We believe that EcoCities must be an integral strategy in fighting global climate change.

Urban Sustainability Directors Network USDN Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  Connecting local government practitioners to accelerate urban sustainability in U.S. and Canadian communities.
Profile:  USDN governments are leading the way to a sustainable, low-carbon future by developing, adopting, and sharing practices that create equitable and prosperous communities and a healthy environment. Theory of Change Peer exchange and collaboration between local government sustainability leaders catalyze the creation and implementation of urban sustainability solutions. The network creates change in the world by connecting members to share and learn from each other, incentivizing collaboration, and collectively leveraging resources. USDN accomplishes its goal by focusing on four core objectives Maintain and Evolve the Peer Exchange Core Incentivize Innovation of High-Impact Sustainability Practices to Create Impact Accelerate Adoption of High-Impact Sustainability Practices to Create Impact Enhance Network Effectiveness A Planning Committee serves as USDN’s governing body, with the responsibility to advance the strategic direction of the network. Members are fortunate to be supported by a managing director and staff who provide high-level leadership and day-to-day management.

Urban Tilth Nonprofit Richmond Contra Costa Website
Profile:  Urban Tilth awarded 2019 US Food Sovereignty Prize! Learn more The Urban Agriculture Academy is back! An outdoor classroom experience for Richmond High youth . Learn more The Girls Garage chicken coop project Learn about this exciting collaboration with the North Richmond Farm

US Climate Health Alliance Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website

US Environmental Protection Agency - San Francisco USEPA-SF Federal Government San Francisco San Francisco Website

Valley of the Moon Natural History Association Nonprofit Santa Rosa Sonoma Website
Profile:  The Valley of the Moon Natural History Association is an important partner to three California State Parks in the Sonoma Valley: Annadel, Sugarloaf Ridge, and Jack London State Historic Park. Their all-volunteer non-profit organization funds special projects, educational exhibits, maps, and publications for the parks.

Valley Transportation Authority SCVTA Commission/Authority San Jose Santa Clara Website
Profile:  The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority is a special district responsible for public transit services, congestion management, specific highway improvement projects, and countywide transportation planning for Santa Clara County, California.

Venturepad Business/Corporation San Rafael Marin Website

Walk San Francisco Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  We want nothing less than to make San Francisco the most pedestrian-friendly city in the United States.
Profile:  San Francisco can and should be the safest, most walkable city in the United States. Yet every day, at least 3 people on average are hit by cars while walking in our city. Walk San Francisco exists to change this. We want nothing less than to make San Francisco the most pedestrian-friendly city in the United States. How We Work To achieve our vision, we work in a range of ways with diverse partners. This includes: Our campaigns to fix the city’s most dangerous streets. Our Safe Routes for All work, which focuses on safer streets for children, seniors, people with disabilities, and transit riders. Our advocacy for bold city and state policies that support and protect pedestrians in San Francisco. Walk SF works in the interest of all pedestrians in San Francisco, but prioritizes our work in order to address the needs of people who are disproportionately affected by pedestrian safety issues. This includes children, communities of color, people with disabilities, and seniors.

WalkBike Berkeley Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  Walk Bike Berkeley is an all-volunteer organization that advocates for safe, low-stress, and fun walking and biking in Berkeley for people of all ages and abilities. We want a healthy, equitable, and sustainable transportation system in Berkeley.
Profile:  CURRENT PRIORITIES Rapidly implementing the City's bicycle and pedestrian plans, while also improving transit service. Increasing the City's transportation division staff capacity to secure grant funding and quickly build road safety projects. Developing and implementing a Vision Zero action plan to prevent all fatalities and serious injuries on Berkeley's streets.

WaterNow Alliance Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  WaterNow Alliance is a network of local leaders working to advance sustainable water solutions so that communities and the environment can thrive. We identify and overcome barriers and provide tools and resources for our members to build local support for policies and programs that advance sustainable water management. We define water leaders as utility governing board members – the decision makers who vote on all things water from policy to programs to rates and who are ultimately accountable to the public. This includes elected and appointed governing members of: Special Water Districts, Wastewater Districts, Stormwater Districts, Conservancy Districts Mayors City Councilmembers County Supervisors Public Utility Commissions Water Commission Members, etc. Recognizing the equally important decision making role of utility staff, WaterNow Alliance is also open to executive management including but not necessarily limited to: General Managers City Managers Public Utility Directors

West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project WOEIP Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  Our mission is to build grassroots capacity to provide local leadership for positive change. Our work aids residents in understanding the political, social, and natural forces that impact their lives. We give impacted residents the tools to participate in these processes and to drive change from the bottom.

Women's Earth Alliance Wea Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  WEA equips women with the skills and tools they need to protect our Earth and strengthen communities from the inside out. In these environmentally fragile times, WEA leaders are saving indigenous seeds, selling clean cookstoves, launching regenerative farms, providing safe water, protecting land rights, and more.

Women's Earth and Climate Action Network WECAN Nonprofit Mill Valley Marin Website
Mission:  The Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International is a solutions-based organization established to engage women worldwide in policy advocacy, on-the-ground projects, direct action, trainings, and movement building for global climate justice.
Profile:  The Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International was created to accelerate a global women's movement for the protection and defense of the Earth’s diverse ecosystems and communities. We focus on short-term and long-term systemic change and solutions to address the climate crisis and the root causes of environmental degradation and socio-economic inequalities. ​ We know that we are in dire need of a paradigm shift and an upwelling of global action, and that the window for meaningful action on climate change will not be open for long. ​ Given the lack of urgency and insufficient ambition of international climate agreements and national climate policies, and the calculations which prove that existing agreements and trajectories allow for inexcusable levels of continued harms - WECAN International is putting forth a fierce call to action and a feminist response, by and for women leaders and their networks. Women are disproportionately impacted by climate change and environmental degradation, with Indigenous women, Black women, women of color, women from Global South countries, and women from low-income communities bearing an even heavier burden. At the same time, it is internationally recognized that women are critical to implementing just and community-based climate change and sustainability solutions. However due to institutional patriarchy, gender inequality, racism, and suppression of rights, there remains a lack of sufficient support, mechanisms, or platforms for women to implement their work.

Working Partnerships USA Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website
Profile:  Working Partnerships USA is a community organization bringing together the power of grassroots organizing and public policy innovation to drive the movement for a just economy. Based in Silicon Valley, we tackle the root causes of inequality and poverty by leading collaborative campaigns for quality jobs, healthy communities, equitable growth and vibrant democracy. We build the capacity of workers, low-income neighborhoods and communities of color to lead and govern.

World Institute on Disability WID Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  WID’s mission in communities and nations worldwide is to eliminate barriers to full social integration and increase employment, economic security, and health care for persons with disabilities. WID creates innovative programs and tools; conducts research, public education, training, and advocacy campaigns; and provides technical assistance.
Profile:  The World Institute on Disability (WID) was established in 1983 as one of the first global disability rights organizations founded and continually led by people with disabilities. WID works to advance the rights and opportunities of over 1 billion people with disabilities worldwide, bringing research and policy into action and operationalizing ... Since WID’s original call to action in 1983, we have committed to advancing promising disability inclusion policy and practices globally. Today, our call to action remains rooted in rights and indelibly embedded in our strategic engagements with leaders, allies and visionaries who share our commitment to innovative solutions. Together we are disrupting, transforming, and optimizing the future of disability inclusion. Our work centers around Digital Tools for Optimizing Community Living and Employment; Accessibility Solutions; and Excellence in Disability Inclusive Emergency Preparedness, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Climate Resilience. WID is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization recognized by the US Internal Revenue Service.

Youth Vs. Apocalypse YVA Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  Youth Vs. Apocalypse is a diverse network of young climate justice activists working together to lift the voices of youth, in particular youth of color, and fight for a livable climate and an equitable, sustainable, and just world. Youth leaders are supported with networks, training, logistical assistance, and intersectional analysis in order to allow them to fight powerfully for themselves, their communities, and the planet.
Profile:  Youth Vs. Apocalypse is a diverse group of young climate justice activists working together to lift the voices of youth, in particular youth of color and working class youth, to fight for a livable climate and an equitable, sustainable, and just world. YVA started as a group of Oakland youth, supported by adults in their community, using direct action and lobbying to fight a proposed coal terminal in their city, then expanded its focus to other climate justice issues. After a video with youth from YVA pushing Senator Feinstein to support the Green New Deal went viral, YVA students organized press conferences, gave interviews, wrote Op Eds, and developed a website, Weeks after the viral encounter, in March 2019, YVA led a Climate Strike of 2000 youth and allies. Feinstien pulled her weaker version of the Deal. By September,YVA organized a crowd of 30,000, after working as a group to develop an intersectional set of targets and demands, organizing transportation for thousands of students from around the Bay Area, and connecting with dozens of labor and community groups, many of whom took climate action for the first time. YVA youth have supported climate actions across the state, taken leadership on local and statewide campaigns, and continued their presence in national media. Days after YVA leaders helped organize a march in LA pushing Governor Newsom, he issued new protections from fossil fuel extraction. After a series of actions, including an occupation, at BlackRock, their CEO drastically improved his companies climate priorities. YVA is a local group of young people who are impacting national conversations on climate. YVA is expanding and redefining who leads in the climate movement because we have a base-building community-organizing model that works: we go into schools and communities and meet people where they are at. We present in real terms the science and history of our ecological crisis. We respect young people and support them to lead, whether they are 11 or 17 years old, whether they get in trouble in class or not, whether they have a stable home or not, whether they previously considered themselves “leaders” or “environmentalists” or not. YVA is led by a “lead circle” of 12 dedicated activists, ages 12-18, who collaborative set agendas, demands and campaigns, with the support of 3 staff members, and an advisory board of adult supporters. Every year, hundreds of middle and high school students encounter YVA through school based presentations, and dozens become more involved through school-based clubs in underserved middle and high schools, where youth are supported to take collective and direct action for climate justice, while building skills and community. This year over 40 students have joined our annual fellowship, where they are supported to develop activist skills, practice leadership, and build a regional community. YVA is actively involved in several local, statewide, and national campaigns and is pulling together a coalition of many local groups to plan for a mass climate action in April, 2020. This model of tiered engagement, intersectional analysis, and active adult support for youth leadership has the potential to be replicated in other communities, and to continue growing the breadth and depth of the climate movement.

Zero Net Energy Alliance ZNE Alliance Nonprofit Davis Sacramento Website
Profile:  ZNE Alliance is a 501 c3 not-for-profit organization whose projects span the silos of energy services, the built environment, and sustainable mobility. ​We work on purpose-built project teams to develop and deploy integrated strategies, maximize value streams, and achieve ROI and Greenhouse Gas reductions.