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Organization Name Acronym Org. Type City County Website

Alameda County Interfaith Climate Action Network ACICAN Religious/Faith-based Org. Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  To encourages congregation members to attend hearings, speak to legislators, and raise the moral voice of faith communities in state, regional and local campaigns
Profile:  Alameda County Interfaith Climate Action Network is one of five working groups under the auspices of CA Interfaith Power and Light, and is also closely affiliated with 350 Bay Area. Frances Aubrey, a co-founder of 350 Bay Area, is currently the convener of the group, and is looking for a co-convener to help her reach out to the congregations in ...

Alameda County Labor Council ACLC Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  The mission of the Alameda Labor Council, AFL-CIO is to improve the lives of working families by bringing economic and social justice to our workplace and communities
Profile:  To accomplish our mission, we work to: - Build a broad movement of workers by helping workers join and form unions. - Create sound policies to strengthen the voice of working families. - Improve our communities, state, and nation. - Support workers as we bargain with employers to improve our living and working conditions.

Albany City Council - Climate Action Committee ACC - CAC City Government Albany Alameda Website
Mission:  To provide expert knowledge on sustainability and climate change through to reduce greenhouse gases
Profile:  Committee Purpose The Climate Action Committee shall serve as a technical advisory committee regarding matters related to climate action and to advise council on matters related to reducing greenhouse gasses; and adapting to climate change. Committee Composition The Committee is composed of seven members, each one is appointed by Council members.

Albany Climate Action Coalition ACAC Nonprofit Albany Alameda Website
Mission:  Albany Climate Action Coalition's mission is to educate the public and empower them to take action that will impact our carbon neutral goals. Through grassroots outreach and networking, our goal is that our 19,000 citizens will adopt renewable energy, clean transportation, and high efficiency standards at home and throughout our community
Profile:  Albany Climate Action Coalition is a group of engaged Albany, California citizens who are working towards an exciting carbon neutral future for our city. But it starts with activating our network: informing our neighbors, motivating local change, and energizing our sustainable community!

Alliance for Climate Education: San Francisco Bay Area ACE Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  ACE has a mission to educate and activate high school students across the country to create lasting climate solutions. Since 2008, ACE has educated over 2 million high school students nationwide, and empowered over 400,000 youth to take action in their personal lives, in their schools and as leaders in the broader community
Profile:  The Alliance for Climate Education (ACE) exists to confront climate change as the most urgent crisis of our time, threatening the health of communities and ecosystems across the globe. ACE's mission is to educate young people on the science of climate change and empower them to take action.

Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment - Contra Costa ACCE - CC Nonprofit Richmond Contra Costa Website
Profile:  ACCE is a multi-racial, democratic, non-profit community organization that builds power to fight and stand for economic, racial and social justice. We take seriously our commitment to ground-up organizing to build a strong people’s movement that can create transformative community change.

Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment - Oakland ACCE - O Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  ACCE is a multi-racial, democratic, non-profit community organization that builds power to fight and stand for economic, racial and social justice. We take seriously our commitment to ground-up organizing to build a strong people’s movement that can create transformative community change.

Asian Pacific Environmental Network APEN Network / Association / Coalition Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  All people have a right to a clean and healthy environment in which their communities can live, work, learn, play and thrive. Towards this vision, APEN brings together a collective voice to develop an alternative agenda for environmental, social and economic justice. Through building an organized movement, we strive to bring fundamental changes to economic and social institutions that will prioritize public good over profits and promote the right of every person to a decent, safe, affordable quality of life, and the right to participate in decisions affecting our lives. APEN holds this vision of environmental justice for all people. Our work focuses on Asian immigrant and refugee communities.
Profile:  APEN is leading a transition away from an extractive economy based on profit and pollution and toward local, healthy, and life-sustaining economies that benefit everyone. We’re building community-owned renewable energy resources to power our neighborhoods, protecting affordable housing so that our historic cultural communities can stay together, creating a local economy of cooperatives owned and governed by community members, and taking back control of our democracy.

Association of Bay Area Governments - Sustainability ABAG Commission/Authority San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Our mission is to strengthen cooperation and collaboration across local governments to build healthier, stronger communities.
Profile:  ABAG helps local governments absorb growth and adapt to change while addressing sustainability, resilience and equity issues.

Bay Area Air Quality Management District - Climate Protection BAAQMD Commission/Authority San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The Air District has made steady progress over the past few decades in improving air quality in the Bay Area. This cleaner air has meant better health for Bay Area residents. Now, climate change is placing these clean air gains at risk. As a result, climate protection has become an important priority of the Air District.
Profile:  The earth is getting hotter. Scientists agree that temperatures are rising, and that this is causing changes to our climate and weather. In the Bay Area, we experience these changes in warmer average temperatures, diminished rainfall, and rising sea levels. Global warming, and the changes to climate and weather that it brings, is mainly caused by human activities that produce greenhouse gases, or GHGs, like burning fossil fuels in our cars, buildings, and industries.

Bay Area Climate Collaborative BACC Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website
Mission:  The Bay Area Climate Collaborative is helping the region fulfill its vision of a more prosperous, healthy and vibrant community based on clean energy and action on climate. The Bay Area Climate Collaborative advances this vision through fostering strategic alignment, market acceleration initiatives, and best-practices education.
Profile:  Bay Area Climate Collaborative has merged with Prospect Silicon Valley (ProspectSV). ProspectSV provides commercialization assistance to emerging technology companies, drawing together government, business and institutional leadership to catalyze the adoption of new technologies in the Bay Area.

Bay Area Regional Collaborative BARC Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The Bay Area Regional Collaborative, or BARC, works to collaborate and problem-solve for 21st century challenges that impact the Bay Area, including climate change and social and economic injustice.
Profile:  BARC is comprised of four regional government agencies and three non-voting members: - Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) - Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) - Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) - Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Non-voting Members - Caltrans District 4 - San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control - Board State Coastal Conservancy

Bay Area Regional Energy Network BayREN Special District/Government San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  BayREN assists local governments to evaluate and improve compliance with energy code and to develop options for accelerating energy efficiency. This includes providing no-cost training to building departments, funding demonstration projects, hosting quarterly regional innovation forums, and assisting Bay Area communities in developing reach codes.
Profile:  The Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) is a collaboration of the nine counties that make up the San Francisco Bay Area. Led by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), BayREN provides regional-scale energy efficiency programs, services, and resources.

Bay Planning Coalition BPC Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Working through a broad coalition to provide expert advocacy and facilitation to advance a strong industrial economy that supports a sustainable environment within San Francisco Bay and its watershed. BPC is the sole organization around the Bay that is focused specifically on its economic interests and vitality. For there to be quality of life for all, the economy must be thriving, offering employment opportunities to all members in the community. BPC views the maritime industry, its movement of goods and trade as central to business continuity and economic vitality of the Region.
Profile:  Bay Planning Coalition (BPC) is a broad coalition providing expert advocacy and facilitation to advance a strong economy that supports a sustainable environment within the San Francisco Bay and its watershed. Founded in 1983, the Bay Planning Coalition is a non-profit, membership-based organization representing a broad spectrum of public and ...

Berkeley Climate Action Coaltion BCAC Network / Association / Coalition Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  Inspiring and building a sustainable, healthy, and just future for the East Bay, California, and beyond.
Profile:  The Berkeley Climate Action Coalition (BCAC) is a strong and growing network of local organizations and community members joining together to help implement the City of Berkeley’s ambitious, forty-year Climate Action Plan. We include residents, non-profits, the City of Berkeley, neighborhood groups, faith based organizations, schools, businesses, UC Berkeley, and others! The BCAC initiates projects that address climate change on a wide variety of issues — energy, water, food, waste, the built environment, and transit. We are working toward a future that includes clean air and water, energy efficient housing, and food, energy and transportation that is local, affordable, accessible and safe.

Berkeley Energy & Resources Collaborative BERC Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  BERC’s mission is to connect, educate, and engage its members in order to foster innovation and action.
Profile:  BERC connects, educates and motivates students, alumni, faculty and industry professionals to address the world's energy and resource challenges.We host conferences and events covering key topics within energy and resources, including the annual Energy Summit, Resources Symposium, monthly BERCshops and regular social gatherings. We provide our members with opportunities to engage with cutting-edge research and current industry applications through programs such as the Innovation Expo and Berkeley Innovative Solutions consulting projects, to name just a few.

Black Permaculture Network BPN Network / Association / Coalition Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  BPN is a network of Afro-indigenous people who have come together through the practices of permaculture, agroecology, natural living and care of the earth. We recognize and honor the ancestral and historical knowledge that each of these land care practices embrace and strive to broaden inter-cultural dialogue around natural earth care; the love of people, plants and animals.

What we do:

- Create space for dialogue on social media

- Give access to funding and resources

- Serve as an informational hub for trainings, events and other culturally relevant education and opportunities

- Promote the work of Afro-indigenous practitioners to the wider community

Our Facebook site is a protected space for people of color to discuss all aspects of permaculture--particularly the challenges we face and have overcome in our work as people of color trying to build a better world--and the LEADERSHIP we have shown in the permaculture movement. This is not a general gardening/farming group. Please keep posts focused on the work that you, or other leaders of color are doing to protect our health, our planet, and our people's rights.

Breathe California of the Bay Area, Golden Gate, and Central Coast Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website
Mission:  Through grassroots education, advocacy and services, Breathe California fights lung disease, advocates for clean air and advances public health. Description

At Breathe California, we believe that breathing should not be a struggle or a risk. Founded in 1908, today our local non-profit offers a wide array of local services to fight lung disease, promote clean air and advance public health.

Building Decarbonization Coalition Nonprofit Sacramento Sacramento Website
Profile:  The Building Decarbonization Coalition unites building industry stakeholders with energy providers, environmental organizations and local governments to power California's homes and

Building Industry Association of the Bay Area BIA Bay Area Nonprofit Walnut Creek Contra Costa Website
Mission:  We passionately advocate on behalf of more than 400 residential development industry professionals in the Bay Area who believe that providing adequate homes for all people at all income levels is essential to improving our quality of life.
Profile:  The Building Industry Association of the Bay Area is a non-profit membership association that advocates at the local, regional and state level in support of an adequate supply of quality homes for people of all income levels. BIA’s 400-plus members are home builders, trade contractors, suppliers and residential development industry professionals.

California Environmental Justice Alliance CEJA Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  We are building a broad movement to organize our base on climate justice because we see that environmental justice communities need drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions and related pollutants that harm air quality and public health. We believe that California’s current regulatory system to address climate change, cap and trade, will not get us there. As our state develops long-term, large-scale policy solutions, we have a unique opportunity to address long-standing environmental justice issues as well as fight climate change.
Profile:  The California Environmental Justice Alliance is a statewide, community-led alliance that works to achieve environmental justice by advancing policy solutions. We unite the powerful local organizing of our members in the communities most impacted by environmental hazards – low-income communities and communities of color – to create comprehensive opportunities for change at a statewide level. We build the power of communities across California to create policies that will alleviate poverty and pollution. Together, we are growing the statewide movement for environmental health and social justice.

California Landscape Conservation Cooperative CALLC Nonprofit Sacramento Sacramento Website
Profile:  The California Landscape Conservation Cooperative is a management-science partnership whose vision is that California supports diverse and thriving ecosystems through lasting cooperative conservation partnerships.

California Natural Resources Agency State Commission/ Authority Sacramento Sacramento Website

California Solar and Storage Association CalSSA Nonprofit Sacramento Sacramento Website
Profile:  Building California's Solar & Storage Industry for Over 40 years.

California Student Sustainability Coalition CSSC Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  We're a diverse, college student-led nonprofit pressuring decision-makers in any sector to act on the climate crisis and equitable resiliency in California. Climate change will worsen asthma, the spread of disease carrying insects, and increase heat-related deaths. So join us! Anyone (not just students) in California can be a member. CSSC is motivated by the danger the fossil fuel industry and their leaders have imposed on our air, water, homes, and futures. This exploitation is on a historic level and has reached a global scale. Therefore, as students, alumnx, and community members, we exist to take bold action on and off higher education campuses to challenge fossil fuel dominance of our government and schools. We aim to push fossil fuels out of popular support and to address the harm this industry has caused.

Carrying Capacity Network CCN Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Real Solutions for America's Problems: CCN is a national non-profit advocacy group working to secure the sustainable future of the United States.
Profile:  CCN is a national non-profit advocacy group working to secure the sustainable future of the United States. Here you’ll find articles by some of the best contemporary thinkers in the fields of population stabilization, national revitalization, economic sustainability and resource conservation. Use our site to lobby your leaders in Congress, or join a live conversation in our chat room. Get the facts about the detrimental effects of mass-immigration, and why we need an immigration moratorium now more than ever. And don’t forget to sign on to our National Alert subscription email service, an indispensable resource for Americans who care enough to act.

Citizens Environmental Council of Burlingame Nonprofit Burlingame San Mateo Website

Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force CEMTF Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  The Climate Emergency Task Force is a regional coalition of San Francisco Bay Area municipalities, elected officials, nonprofits, environmental justice organizations, private citizens, businesses gathered organized to plan a Bay Area Regional Summit and campaign on Climate Mobilization through a Just Transition.

Climate Justice Alliance Nonprofit Alameda Website
Profile:  Climate Justice Alliance membership is rooted in a shared landscape analysis, priorities and overall vision. Our alliance includes base-building frontline organizations (BFOs), Alliances, Networks, and Movement Support Organizations.

Coalition For San Francisco Neighborhoods Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Advocating for a healthy city
Profile:  The Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods grew out of concerned neighborhood organizations whose proposals to the Planning Department for amendments to the height and bulk limits were rejected. The San Francisco Foundation gave a small grant to get the Coalition on its way, with SPEAK serving as fiscal agent, and a part time secretary was hired to set up meetings, produce a Newsletter and to recruit neighborhood organizations. The Coalition was incorporated in 1991 as a 501(c)4 non profit civic organization with a Board of Directors made up of representatives of member organizations. It has held candidates and issues forums to educate the members and the public. It has, through member participation and lobbying, supported its members on issues affecting the broad community and continues to watch various City departments to insure fair treatment of all city residents.

Coalition of Labor Union Women - San Francisco Chapter Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website

Communities for a Better Environment CBE Nonprofit Richmond Contra Costa Website
Mission:  Founded in 1978, Communities for a Better Environment (CBE) is one of the preeminent environmental justice organizations in the nation. The mission of CBE is to build people’s power in California’s communities of color and low income communities to achieve environmental health and justice by preventing and reducing pollution and building green, healthy and sustainable communities and environments.
Profile:  Non-profit, statewide, multiracial, urban environmental health and justice organization that works with urban communities and grassroots organizations--using science based research, legal tactics, and organizing strategies to prevent air and water pollution, eliminate toxic hazards, and improve public health.

Communities for Sustainable Monterey County CSMC Nonprofit Monterey Monterey Website

Contra Costa Climate Action Network Nonprofit Lafayette Contra Costa Website
Profile:  The Interfaith Climate Action Network of Contra Costa County was launched on Earth Day 2015 in Lafayette. Organized and led by CIPL member congregations in the county, more than 100 people shared in the following commitment. Interfaith Climate Action Network of Contra Costa County Covenant. We pledge allegiance to the Earth and all life upon it.

Contra Costa County Climate Leaders 4CL Nonprofit Martinez Contra Costa Website
Profile:  The Contra Costa County Climate Leaders (4CL) program is a network assisting the county and its 19 cities to inform, support and encourage the measurement and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Through education and sharing of best practices we will ensure sustainable, healthy and livable cities.

Drawdown Bay Area Nonprofit San Rafael Marin Website

East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy EBASE Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  A labor-affiliated think-tank that researches economic issues in the East Bay.

Environmental Education Coalition of Napa County Nonprofit Napa Napa Website
Profile:  Environmental Education Coalition of Napa County. EECNC connects members of our community with the local environment. Through a network of local organizations, the coalition provides resources and support to promote sustainable living and to cultivate an appreciation of the natural world.

Filipino/American Coalition for Environmental Solidarity FACES Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  FACES, the Filipino/American Coalition for Environmental Solidarity, is a grassroots organization based in Berkeley, California working for environmental justice in the Philippines and beyond. The organization was originally founded in 2000 with the mission to clean up former US military bases in the Philippines. Today, their mission has ...

Foundation for Climate Restoration Nonprofit Los Altos Santa Clara Website

Greenbelt Alliance Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Greenbelt Alliance is a non-profit land conservation and urban planning organization that has worked in California's nine-county San Francisco Bay Area since 1958. Greenbelt Alliance promotes the creation of walkable neighborhoods with a mix of shops, homes, and jobs near public transit. The organization encourages cities to adopt smart growth policies, to accommodate the Bay Area's increasing population while protecting open space and making the region's cities better places to live. It has been involved in the adoption of urban growth boundaries in more than 20 cities and 5 counties in the Bay Area. These boundaries draw a line to define where growth should and should not go, and are generally either adopted by voters through the initiative process, or by city councils or county boards of supervisors. Greenbelt Alliance works to get Bay Area residents involved in their local urban planning processes and development decisions. To help people learn more about the region's open space and its cities, the organization leads hikes, farm tours, and urban walks throughout the Bay Area that are open to the public. It also endorses development proposals that meet smart growth guidelines and include homes people can afford. Greenbelt Alliance addresses how the Bay Area handles growth. We shape the rules that govern growth to protect open spaces and make cities and towns thrive.

Greeninfo Network Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  We create, analyze, visualize and communicate information in the public interest. GreenInfo Network is a non-profit helping a wide range of public interest groups and government agencies use GIS and web mapping and applications for outreach, analysis and advocacy.

Interfaith Climate Action Network of Contra Costa Nonprofit Walnut Creek Contra Costa Website
Profile:  The ICCCC is a collection of 110 congregations, monasteries and retreat centers that join to make Contra Costa County a better place ?? where faith and service matter. View our Elected Council members and our Programs and Staff here. #CaringContraCosta information and links.

Interfaith Council of Alameda County Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website

Joint Venture Silicon Valley Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website

Local Clean Energy Alliance LCEA Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website

Marin Interfaith Climate Action Network MICA Religious/Faith-based Org. San Rafael Marin Website
Profile:  The Marin Interfaith Council now has an initiative dealing directly with climate change, the Marin Interfaith Climate Action (MICA). Currently with a membership from 13 faith communities in Marin, and affiliated with local, state, and national environmental and climate groups, MICA is looking to extend its base of membership and increase its connections to our Marin faith communities.

Metropolitan Transit Commission MTC Commission/Authority San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  MTC is the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. We are a public, governmental agency responsible for planning, financing and coordinating transportation for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. And we're part of every trip you take.

Mycelium Youth Network Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  WHY "MYCELIUM?" "Mycelium is the part of the fungus that grows underground in thread-like formations. It connects roots to one another and breaks down plant material to create healthier ecosystems. Mycelium is the largest organism on earth.

Napa County Progressive Alliance Nonprofit Napa Napa Website

NorCal Community Resilience Network Network / Association / Coalition Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  The NorCal Resilience Network is a grassroots coalition that activates and supports community-based, nature-inspired solutions to climate change, economic instability, and social inequity in Northern California.

Oakland Climate Action Coaliiton Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Profile:  The Oakland Climate Action Coalition Adaptation & Resilience To create institutions and infrastructure that build resilience among communities that stand to be most affected by climate change impacts.

Power Shift Network Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The Power Shift Network mobilizes the collective power of young people to mitigate climate change and create a just, clean energy future and resilient, thriving communities for all.

Project Drawdown Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Project Drawdown Research Team Drawdown research fellows represent countries and universities from around the world. Their scholarly expertise is the foundation of our rigorous research.

Protect the Bay Coalition Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Formed in 2019, our coalition is determined to prevent the expansion of the Phillips 66 refinery and marine terminal in Rodeo that would allow it to import toxic crude oils like tar sands from Canada. We’re going to keep turning people out in force at critical decision points with phone calls, emails, and conversations at people’s doors to ensure regulators and politicians do the right thing and block this project.
Profile:  Our coalition is composed of groups and people from a variety of background all focused on one goal— keeping the Bay safe.

Pt Molate Alliance Nonprofit Richmond Contra Costa Website
Profile:  The Point Molate Alliance (PMA) is a diverse coalition of Richmond residents and supporters ?? many of whom played a crucial role in defeating plans for a ...

Rainforest Action Network Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  Rainforest Action Network preserves forests, protects the climate and upholds human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns.

San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority is a regional agency created to fund shoreline projects that will protect, restore, and enhance San Francisco Bay through the allocation of funds raised by the Measure AA parcel tax.
Profile:  The Restoration Authority was created by the California Legislature in 2008 to find solutions to the need for new, local funding, due to reduced funding from other sources. Its enabling legislation gives the Restoration Authority the unique capacity to raise funds from local sources throughout the Bay Area and the oversight capacity to ensure transparency and prevent waste. Its purpose is restoration, not regulation. The Restoration Authority does not duplicate the missions of other public agencies and private organizations working on Bay restoration; it is designed to deliver essential local funding to restoration projects developed by others.

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website

San Francisco Clean City Coalition Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  The San Francisco Clean City Coalition is a non-profit organization established in 1991 to focus on cleaning, greening and beautifying the City of San Francisco.
Profile:  OBJECTIVES To encourage people to maintain, improve, and take ownership of their neighborhoods To provide transitional and on-going employment opportunities for community improvement activities To prioritize the training and employment of low-income people through our work in San Francisco neighborhoods To promote leadership for beautification, long-term maintenance and environmentally supportive efforts in San Francisco To provide community education and resources

San Francisco Climate Emergency Coalition Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website

San Francisco Labor Council Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website

Sierra Club Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Profile:  The Sierra Club is an environmental organization in the United States. It was founded on May 28, 1892, in San Francisco, California, by the Scottish-American preservationist John Muir, who became its first president. The Sierra Club primarily operates in the United States; an affiliated organization, Sierra Club Canada, operates in Canada and deals exclusively with Canadian issues.

Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition Nonprofit San Jose Santa Clara Website
Profile:  The Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition (SVTC) believes that we still have time to ensure that the PV sector is safe for the environment, workers, and communities. SVTC envisions a safe and sustainable solar PV industry that:

Solar Action Alliance Nonprofit Rohnert Park Sonoma Website
Profile:  Solar Action Alliance is a group of environmentalists who want to spread the word about the most clean, reliable, and abundant source of renewable energy: the sun.

Sonoma Valley Climate Coalition Nonprofit Sonoma Sonoma Website

Sonoma Valley Collaborative Nonprofit Sonoma Sonoma Website
Mission:  Sonoma Valley Collaborative (formerly Sustainable Sonoma) is a forum of community leaders from a wide range of sectors across Sonoma Valley, finding solutions and taking action to address our community’s biggest challenges.

Sunflower Alliance Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website
Mission:  The Sunflower Alliance is committed to environmental justice and the health and safety of all Bay Area communities threatened by toxic pollution and climate change. We are fighting against the poisoning of our communities and the destruction of our planet, and for an equitable and sustainable economy fueled by renewable energy sources—wind, water and solar.
Profile:  We seek an end to the ruinous extractive economy and its replacement with a life-sustaining system that meets people’s real needs and nurtures the planet we live on. On August 3rd, 2013, to mark the first anniversary of the 2012 explosion and fire that sent thousands of Chevron’s neighbors to local hospitals, 3,000 supporters marched on the Chevron refinery in Richmond, California. Over 200 of us were arrested at the refinery gates. Now we are engaged in a broader effort to halt Big Oil’s plans to expand the refining of dirty oil in the East Bay and the transport of dirty and dangerous fossil fuels through our communities. Through years of allied efforts with 350 Bay Area, we have engaged in campaigns for Fossil Fuel Resistance and a Just Transition away from a fossil fuel-based economy, for workers and communities alike. We provide the backbone for networks such as Protect the Bay, the Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force, the BAAQMD Network (Bay Area Air Quality Management District), No Coal in Richmond, and many other Bay Area campaigns against fossil fuel expansion and environmental injustice.

Sunrise Movement Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  Sunrise is a movement of young people fighting to stop the climate crisis.

Sunrise is a movement of young people fighting to stop the climate crisis.

Sustainable Bay Area Network Network / Association / Coalition Walnut Creek Contra Costa Website
Profile:  The Sustainable Bay Area Network is a casual association of sustainable community organizations around the San Francisco Bay Area. These organizations are communities of citizens, educators, innovators, and organizations designing and building pathways to ecologically sustainable, economically vibrant, and socially just communities for all.

The Climate Center Nonprofit Santa Rosa Sonoma Website

The Utility Reform Network TURN Nonprofit San Francisco San Francisco Website
Mission:  TURN champions the cleanest energy and highest quality phone service at the lowest prices possible for residential customers, low-income households, and small businesses through legal advocacy at the California Public Utilities Commission, state and federal policy development, and community organizing throughout California.
Profile:  For more than 40 years we have challenged California’s powerful energy and telephone companies, saving consumers and small businesses millions, standing up for vulnerable Californians, and demanding reliable service and livable communities.

Urban Creeks Council UCC Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  Urban Creeks Council is a non-profit organization based in the Bay Area, California, working to preserve, protect, and restore urban streams and their riparian habitats. Urban Creeks Council builds projects and programs that unite communities around their streams. Urban Creeks Council builds projects and programs that unite communities around their streams. We build places that increase urban aesthetics, restore wildlife habitat, and make urban communities better places to live. We empower communities to restore and protect their streams by employing volunteer power to construct and manage native riparian habitats. We help citizens learn about ecosystems and children learn how to care for plants. Through our programs, we leverage broad and effective partnerships to help cities and other agencies responsibly manage their natural resources. Our current program areas include the Livermore-Amador Valley and the lower Wildcat Creek watershed in Richmond.

Urban Sustainability Directors Network USDN Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Mission:  Connecting local government practitioners to accelerate urban sustainability in U.S. and Canadian communities.
Profile:  USDN governments are leading the way to a sustainable, low-carbon future by developing, adopting, and sharing practices that create equitable and prosperous communities and a healthy environment. Theory of Change Peer exchange and collaboration between local government sustainability leaders catalyze the creation and implementation of urban sustainability solutions. The network creates change in the world by connecting members to share and learn from each other, incentivizing collaboration, and collectively leveraging resources. USDN accomplishes its goal by focusing on four core objectives Maintain and Evolve the Peer Exchange Core Incentivize Innovation of High-Impact Sustainability Practices to Create Impact Accelerate Adoption of High-Impact Sustainability Practices to Create Impact Enhance Network Effectiveness A Planning Committee serves as USDN’s governing body, with the responsibility to advance the strategic direction of the network. Members are fortunate to be supported by a managing director and staff who provide high-level leadership and day-to-day management.

US Climate Health Alliance Nonprofit Oakland Alameda Website

Women's Earth Alliance Wea Nonprofit Berkeley Alameda Website
Profile:  WEA equips women with the skills and tools they need to protect our Earth and strengthen communities from the inside out. In these environmentally fragile times, WEA leaders are saving indigenous seeds, selling clean cookstoves, launching regenerative farms, providing safe water, protecting land rights, and more.

Women's Earth and Climate Action Network WECAN Nonprofit Mill Valley Marin Website
Mission:  The Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International is a solutions-based organization established to engage women worldwide in policy advocacy, on-the-ground projects, direct action, trainings, and movement building for global climate justice.
Profile:  The Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International was created to accelerate a global women's movement for the protection and defense of the Earth’s diverse ecosystems and communities. We focus on short-term and long-term systemic change and solutions to address the climate crisis and the root causes of environmental degradation and socio-economic inequalities. ​ We know that we are in dire need of a paradigm shift and an upwelling of global action, and that the window for meaningful action on climate change will not be open for long. ​ Given the lack of urgency and insufficient ambition of international climate agreements and national climate policies, and the calculations which prove that existing agreements and trajectories allow for inexcusable levels of continued harms - WECAN International is putting forth a fierce call to action and a feminist response, by and for women leaders and their networks. Women are disproportionately impacted by climate change and environmental degradation, with Indigenous women, Black women, women of color, women from Global South countries, and women from low-income communities bearing an even heavier burden. At the same time, it is internationally recognized that women are critical to implementing just and community-based climate change and sustainability solutions. However due to institutional patriarchy, gender inequality, racism, and suppression of rights, there remains a lack of sufficient support, mechanisms, or platforms for women to implement their work.

Zero Net Energy Alliance ZNE Alliance Nonprofit Davis Sacramento Website
Profile:  ZNE Alliance is a 501 c3 not-for-profit organization whose projects span the silos of energy services, the built environment, and sustainable mobility. ​We work on purpose-built project teams to develop and deploy integrated strategies, maximize value streams, and achieve ROI and Greenhouse Gas reductions.